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ZL1TEA > APPLE    27.05.03 13:30l 52 Lines 2250 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 110017ZL1TEA
Subj: AX25
Sent: 030527/1050Z @:ZL1UX.#20.NZL.OC #:56111 [Hamilton] FBB7.00i $:110017ZL1TE

Hi & Thanks for Reading this request,
                                    This is a resend of a message to VKNET
which elicited a NIL response.
                                    I would like to source a Packet
Program that is compatible with Apple Platform, also I would like to
obtain the MacAPRS program. Any help here would be appreciated bearing in
mind that I do NOT have Internet access and my Apple Computer (Imac) does
not sport a Floppy Disk Drive, only CD. Cost incurred would be reimbursed.
Please contact via this medium.

                         73, KEVIN  de  ZL1 - `T'

   President Te Aroha & Districts Radio Club, Br. 77, NZART.  New Zealand.

  * "Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,  *
  *  the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the  *
  *  bodies of those I had to kill because they "ticked" me off."        *
  #*** (  I  ) **********************************************************#
  *   ((  I  ))           ZL1-TEA Kevin W. MORTON.                       *

  *       I                   41 AROHA VIEW AVENUE.   Ph: 021-112-5449   *
  *      / \                      Te AROHA.  2971.                       *
  *     // \\  RF72uk                NEW ZEALAND                         *
  *    //\ /\\                                                           *

  *   //     \\                 ZL1TEA@ZL1UX.#20.NZL.OC                  *
  * _-_-_-_-_-_-_   via KENWOOD TR-9130, AEA PK-232MBX, CELERON 366MHz.  *

  *-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_                                                      *
  *-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ GREETINGS FROM TE AROHA, THE MOUNTAIN of LOVE.     *
  *    Keep your feet on the ground,   And keep reaching for the stars   *
                   Message Time : 10:49:31 UTC. 
                   Message Date : 2003-May-27
                 Message sent using WinPack-AGW V6.80  (Reg'd)

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