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ZL3AI  > APRDIG   05.05.07 06:46l 231 Lines 8924 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 10101-ZL3AI
Subj: [APRSSIG] Vol 34 #24, 2/5
Sent: 070505/0543Z @:ZL2BAU.#79.NZL.OC #:46303 [Waimate] $:10101-ZL3AI

Message: 9
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:53:12 -0500
From: Josh Freeman <>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Wide-Area APRS Call-up Channel

Robert Bruninga wrote:
>Simply put up a tall central cross band repeater that listens on
>an unused UHF channel (PL 100)and cross bands to APRS Voice
>Alert on 144.39 (PL100).  In effect this extends the range of
>Voice Alert from Simplex to wide area.  Of course this must not
>be abused, and only used for brief contact (emergency call-up,
>then QSY).

This could also be accomplished with a 144.39 remote base on an existing
repeater. Restrict knowledge of the control codes to activate it to only
those who would need to perform such a call-up. You don't need a separate
repeater to do it this way, and it helps to reduce the possibility of



Message: 10
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:54:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Curt, WE7U" <>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Tactical call signs

On Mon, 23 Apr 2007, Matt Werner wrote:

>Neither of those would affect the legalities of it.
>If it's digipeated then it's 3rd party traffic and the digipeater is
>responsible for IDing itself.  Same goes for an I-Gate.

Yep.  Notice I did put some disclaimers in there saying that some of
the things I was describing were bad practice.  Legal though.

You only have to identify a transmitter.  This means I can do that simplex
and via another mode like CW.

For the case of an old TNC doing digipeating on a "myalias WIDE1-1" alias,
I can set the morse ID to identify every 9.5 minutes and I'm good as far as
the FCC is concerned, even though the digipeated packets as people use the
digi don't have my callsign in them. The older TNC's don't do callsign
substitution, so doing CWID or setting a beacon to go out every 10 minutes
are the only ways to identify them when used as a digi.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:58:53 -0700
From: "Herb Gerhardt" <>
Subject: RE: [aprssig] Tactical call signs

The legal aspect has been covered by several replies but the Acceptable
Practice has not.

Here on our NW APRS Network we recommend people use just their plain call
sign (no SSID) with their home station.  So in my case, I use KB7UVC and
just a House as my icon even though I am also an I-Gate.  I see no reason
to designate with a tactical call that I am an I-Gate.  The client APRS
software people are running, generally have that info available if you
desire to know.  In WinAPRS you type an "i" and the program will draw a
circle around the I-Gate stations.  For home "relay" stations that digi the
trackers heard once to a mountain top digi, we generally do not use any
designator either, since the number 1 does not lend itself for use with
most normal Icons.  Again, we recommend that most home station are set up
to respond only to the WIDE1-1 path so there is no reason to indicate that
with a special Icon like the digi star.  So no, I would not recommend using
a Tactical Call for your home station and I prefer seeing a house Icon for
a home station.

For trackers, we again use our call sign with an appropriate SSID.  For
Kenwoods we use -7 to indicate it is a TH-D7 or D700.  If you have more
than one Kenwood like I do, I use -8 for one mobile and -9 for my other
mobile. A -9 is generally the acceptable SSID for your first/primary
tracker but you can use whatever takes your fancy.  Again, I would not
recommend using a Tactical Call for your mobile for normal operations.

We use a tactical call for mountain top digipeaters that designate the name
of the peak that the digi is located on.  For example for my local digi
which is located on South Mountain, I use SOMTN.  Keep it simple and short
and it at least gives the locals an indication of the location of the digi
just by knowing the digi name.

Other than for Mountain top digis, we generally limit the use of Tactical
Calls to special events which are of a short duration like SAR team
designation or a bicycle race, etc.  Then you establish a Tactical Call
that suits the application.

So, the bottom line is that I would not promote people using tactical calls
for home station or normal tracker use.  Nothing prevents you from doing
that but I think it just makes things more confusing.  I believe in the
KISS principle.

Herb, KB7UVC
NW APRS Group, West Sound Coordinator
Our WEB Site:

Mason County ComVan:
Mason County Relay Truck:
Mason County EOC:
Mason County Foot Tracker:

Where I live:
Where I am walking:
Where I am driving:
My other vehicle:


Message: 12
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:03:47 -0500
From: "John Habbinga" <>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Tactical call signs

The control operator of the station originating a message is primarily 
accountable for any violation of the rules in this part contained in the 

Digipeated traffic is not 3rd party traffic.  The operator of the 
digipeater, or the I-gate, is not responsible for the content of the 
traffic.  The operator of the digipeater is only responsible for making an 
effort to prevent illegal traffic.

>If it's digipeated then it's 3rd party traffic and the digipeater is
>responsible for IDing itself.  Same goes for an I-Gate.


Message: 13
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:29:39 -0500
From: "Matt Werner" <>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Tactical call signs

On 4/23/07, Herb Gerhardt <> wrote:

>The legal aspect has been covered by several replies but the Acceptable
>Practice has not.

Very true.

>So, the bottom line is that I would not promote people using tactical calls
>for home station or normal tracker use.  Nothing prevents you from doing
>that but I think it just makes things more confusing.  I believe in the KISS

I wouldn't promote it's use on anything other than a digi with the
exception of some sort of event.  Using it everyday on your home or mobile
station is inviting confusion.


Message: 14
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:35:25 -0500
From: "Matt Werner" <>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Tactical call signs

Please explain the violation (and please cite Part 97).

On 4/23/07, John Habbinga <> wrote:
>The control operator of the station originating a message is primarily
>accountable for any violation of the rules in this part contained in the
>Digipeated traffic is not 3rd party traffic.  The operator of the
>digipeater, or the I-gate, is not responsible for the content of the
>traffic.  The operator of the digipeater is only responsible for making an
>effort to prevent illegal traffic.
>>If it's digipeated then it's 3rd party traffic and the digipeater is
>>responsible for IDing itself.  Same goes for an I-Gate.


Message: 15
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 15:37:59 -0400
From: "Robert Bruninga" <>
Subject: RE: [aprssig] Tactical call signs

I agree completely with all of your assessments about using Tactical Calls
for area digipeaters and for using SSID's.

>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Herb Gerhardt
>on our NW APRS Net... use plain call (no SSID) at home
>W1-1 fill-in digis also use the HOME call and icon
>- unless they truly are at a high location and unattended
>For Kenwoods use -7 for a TH-D7 or D700.  If you have
>re than one, use -8.  A -9 is generally for any other mobile
>We use a tactical call for mountain top digipeaters

And if it is a home station, with a hamshack and ham in residence, it
should be indicated as a HOME station SYMBOL too (even if it does support
W1-1 digipeating).  If it is W1-1, then put that in its postion text.  For
the DIGI peaters with tactical calls, just put the real call in the posit
text as well.  Please use the format receommended in the New-N Paradgigm
that are found on fix14439.html

Typically for a tactical digi, I woiuld use this text:


Which recoginizes the preferred 10x10x8 word boundaries and provides all
important information:

But all of it is visible on any APRS client or can even be seen
on the D700 by pressing the PMON button.



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