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[BBS Antwerpen]

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PD2ATG > BBS      30.12.20 16:47l 59 Lines 1936 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: Re: WP updates as B messages
Sent: 201230/1521Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:4596 [Delft] $:81_PD2ATG
To  : BBS@WW

# Generated by: TstHWin v2.21b - Registered to PD2ATG
# On : 30-12-2020 16:20:31
# UTC: 30-12-2020 15:20:31

>R:201229/2332Z @:PI8HGL.#ZH1.NLD.EU #:4567 [Delft] $:4970_PA2SNK
>R:201229/2329Z @:PI8CDR.#DRE.NLD.EURO #:20052 [Westerbork] $:4970_PA2SNK
>R:201229/2324Z 64600@PI8SNK.#FRL.NLD.EURO [SNEEK/SNITS] FBB7.01.35 alpha
>To  : BBS@WW
># Generated by: TstHWin v2.21b - Registered to PA2SNK
># On : 30-12-2020 00:24:32
># UTC: 29-12-2020 23:24:32
>>R:201229/2230Z 64599@PI8SNK.#FRL.NLD.EURO [SNEEK/SNITS] FBB7.01.35 alpha
>>R:201229/2211Z @:PI8CDR.#DRE.NLD.EURO #:20051 [Westerbork] $:57705_N1URO
>>R:201229/2211z @:DB0RES.#NRW.DEU.EU $:57705_N1URO
>>R:201229/2211z @:ON0AR.#AN.BEL.EU $:57705_N1URO
>>R:201229/2210Z @:GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO #:17911 [Caterham Surrey GBR]
>>R:201229/2204Z @:N1URO.#CCT.CT.USA.NOAM #:57705 [Unionville] $:57705_N1URO
>>This thread is a perfect example as to why standards need to be reviewed and
>>perhaps redefined but since no one was interested then we all need to deal
>>with things on our own.
>and nobody listens to another "we all know better ourselfs"
>Also the gurus on the bpq inet groups know even better..
>I stopped folowing these groups..
>It would be better to take the mike and talk about it over rf instead inet.
>Or better over packet :)
>>73 and Happy New Year.
>>SendBBS v1.1 by N1URO for LinFBB

In the good old days we used to send P WP messages to our direct forward
partner or partners if we had forward with multiple BBS stations.
For bulletins to WP there is a great invention made in FBB software, it is
called reject.sys.

Off course, it is better not to send them as bulletin at all but for those
who do, and do not want to stop sending them as bulletins, the reject.sys is
a great solution to these kind of problems.

Have a great new year and best 73


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