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VK8PDG > ECHOLK   17.02.04 16:30l 121 Lines 4713 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 12868_VK8PDG
Subj: CC [VK6ISP @ VK6ISP.PER.#WA.AUS.OC]: RE: Echolink
Sent: 040211/0625Z @:VK8PDG.PLM.#NT.AUS.OC #:12868 FBB7.00i $:12868_VK8PDG

RE: Without Prejudice

I will try and respond to what you have stated in my humble way in your
Packet Posting concerning my posted information of a users log in having
due concerns concerning what has been presented to me by another user of
the Echolink System.

However I am NOT the one that opened this can of worms that was done by
firstly VK2US as VK2US-R on Sydney VK2RBM - 147.050  an EchoIRLP sysop
whom disgracefully and openly abused to an acredited and licenced Amateur
Operator who is an Echolink User on the Echolink System.

I have only reported such sad tidings of what has taken place.

However I do not need your permition to post such facts so I hope that
I am transparently clear on this point along with this you have it seems
have taken what I have said and posted with the facts concerning what did
happen to another Echolink User personally.

I  there  for it  really did not warrant any  further comment from me on
having dismantled your own credibility on this matter as you seem to be
doing just fine .

Its always good and reassuring to see the true colors of a person at
anytime it shows what that persons true nature is and   this you have
done admirably well but rudeness ,intimidation or threats ...

This I can not respect at any time.

So dont take what I have said here to heart or personal as I am looking
out for the ( Single individual )and their best interest and that of the
genuine Echolink users as well as the Echolink System as a whole.

So stick with it all and I do hope you enjoy what I would have to call
The worlds  best  system  and  have a great day once again welcome to
Echolink and good luck with it all I wish you the very best in what ever
endeavor you care to take on in this great hobby of Amateur Radio.

Best Regards

Peter VK8PDG " AR "
Sent as " Clubs Founder " at The Australian Amateur Radio Interest.

>Original Message Follows:

>Without Prejudice.
>I think the vast majority of people do not get your point and it may very well
be attributed to the poor spelling, grammar and paragraph construction as a whol
>However after I have wasted precious life units wading through this garbage of
yours I shall expend a few more to "place your forward tongue behind your teeth
where it belongs" (c) Lord of the Rings.
>1) It is humorously evident that you have but no clue of how either EchoLink or
 IRLP works, past your few RF infected audio cables and solitary simplex link.
Perhaps you should surrender that and use something safer such as Microsoft Netm
eeting where it probably won't matter if you embarrass yourself.
>2) I must have missed it - who voted you the King of EchoLink to decide who may
 and who may not connect?  In this democratic country of Australia, I am free to
 choose whom I wish to allow connection to my node and whom not without discrimi
nation or explanation.  I suspect as the leaders of democracy, the United States
 of America, the many EchoLink stations and EchoIRLP nodes have a similar view.
>I could list points three to one thousand but I think all packet users worldwid
e have had experience and a somewhat bad taste of the culinary slop you serve.
If these were the medieval ages you would be nothing more than the court joker a
nd perhaps future packet postings need to be made to HUMOR@WW?
>Since you have raised this point, I shall challenge you to the following:
>1) Place all the correspondence you have received from EchoLink sysops on your
website at:
>I trust that as a man of your word (however grammatically incorrect they may be
), to place ALL correspondence for and against you on the site.
>It is only then that the entire world and other message forums you choose to in
filtrate with this nonsense can tune into your wavelength.
>2) Subscribe to the EchoLink group on YaHoo!
>After all, it is a more relevant place to spread your opinions on and is filled
 with sysops who operate EchoLink nodes.  Maybe, just maybe, you will find someo
ne that a) understands you b) agrees with you.
>Post their replies to the website too.
>Your move.
>de Steve, VK6ISP
>Sent from the Australian Amateur Radio Interest Group's Portal.

--- End of messsage #209475 to VK6ISP from VK8PDG ---


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