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N9LYA  > EMCOMM   05.08.07 22:01l 50 Lines 6256 Bytes #999 (0) @ ALLUS
BID : 8250_N9LYA
Subj: Emcomm Monthly 8-07 Part 3 of 12
Sent: 070805/1641 8250@N9LYA.#SIN.IN.USA.NOAM

Message#: 3 >>>>>> Continued from last message: AUG07EM.TXT >>>>>>>

So far the Atlantic Basin has been quiet, but historically we are now on the steep up slope to the peak of the Hurricane Season.
This is the time to check generators and go-kits.  In addition, the Mississippi Section Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) should be reviewed by everyone
intending to participate in an emergency communications response to a hurricane landfall.  The EOP can be downloaded on the Section Web Site at  Focus should be on Section 5.4 Regional Communications.

As you are aware, Mississippi has an MOU with Arkansas, Louisiana, and Tennessee to handle tactical communications during wide area storm events
by activating the Delta ARES Emergency Net on 3890/7275.  K5BOC is the Manager of this Net.  In addition, Mississippi has an MOU in place with
Louisiana and South Texas to provide assistance to the West Gulf ARES Emergency Net (3873/7285) if the hurricane landfall is along the Louisiana/Texas Coasts.

Further, the Managers of the Magnolia Section Net (AD5J) and the Mississippi Section Phone Net (K5NRK) have developed a Joint Emergency Operation Procedure (Attachment C of the EOP) such that 3862 will be manned during storm events.  The Nets will meet at their regular times after which they will maintain an "open net" with an NCS always on frequency until the next net starts. The MSN/MSPN will handle primarily health/welfare traffic, but will accommodate message traffic overflow from the tactical net.

In addition, RN5 and Mississippi Traffic Net Manager KB5W has organized the Gulf Coast CW Guard Net which will maintain watch on 3570/7111 on the hour
and half hour to handle Health/Welfare (H/W) Traffic providing an outlet to the NTS.  On SSB, DRN5 Manager WB5ZED will maintain a Guard Net on 3850/7280 for H/W Traffic.  As Lord Baden-Powell said, 'Be Prepared'."

(Submitted by Frank Thrash, W4DLZ, WRRL 18)

Dennis Dura, K2DCD, of Trenton, NJ, has joined the National Association for Amateur Radio/ARRL Headquarters staff as their new Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager.  Full details are available at:
(Dennis is a subscriber to EMCOMM MONTHLY.  We wish him the very best in what will be a very formidable task.)
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(EMCOMM MONTHLY is an "all volunteer" effort, and does not accept (nor solicit) tax-payers' monies and/or commercial display advertising.)
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"I love your publication and have sent a link to all four of my people.  I think there is a lot to be learned here.  One suggestion I have for future articles, how about something on how the "little guys" can work better.  I live in a county of less than 10,000 people and I have exactly 4 other operators that I can draw from.  Most are retired (I'm close) and have some time to help out, but we have extremely limited resources in people and equipment. We have an HF station, VHF/UHF station, CB/FRS/GMRS station, and no digital at all.  We DO have a great radio room with emergency power (as long as the basement doesn't flood).  I'm looking for things we can do to better use what we have.  Thanks much." - William (Bill) Albert, AD5TD, Emergency Communications Officer Refugio County EOC, Texas

EDITOR'S REPLY:  Thanks for your comments and suggestions, Bill.  I suggest that you invite your four people to subscribe to EM.  Refugio County sounds like my kind of place, and I have wanted to visit Padre Island for a long time.  I even like the name "Refugio" (refuge).  That is what we call our little (80 acre) wilderness parcel in the high desert of Northern California.  It is a wildife refuge and the only things we raise are dogs, cats, jackrabbits and a few antennas.

Anyway, back to emcomm.  Bigger is not necessarily better.  There is a LOT a small cohesive group can do.  If you are not already doing so, here are few suggestions:
Join the WRRL, and join us in our nets.
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"After posting the letter in Emcomm Monthly (June EM) and hoping to hear from like-minded individuals on the subject of emcomm and possibly putting together a response team, I have not received one call or email.  All I can conclude from this tremendous lack of response is we have a lot of "talk," but no action here in Delmarva*.  I know that the Delaware section manager and the Section Emergency Coordinator both subscribe, but neither sent a response or an inquiry.  As I have been saying for some time, we are in deep doo-doo when the big one hits.  Meanwhile, I am doing what I can to keep ready.  Making sure I have a go kit, a five day food supply (at "normal" eating levels), fresh water, emergency power (two generators, one propane and one gas), keeping the maintenance current on the vehicles, etc.  Of course, there will always be instances that all the preparation in the world is not enough, but for most situations, I feel I'm about as prepared as I can get.  So, maybe there will only be one signal reaching the west coast just after our "disaster".  I hope not, but with the lack of response, I can only wonder."  - Jerry Palmer, N3KRX, Houston, Delaware

EDITOR'S COMMENT:  Thanks Jerry for your efforts and please don't give up.  New ideas are often slow to catch on...especially if they are not high tech and don't involve a lot of fancy "bells and whistles."   There are a few encouraging rumblings around the country that indicate that some people are beginning to wake up as to the value of ARCT resource typing for emcomm.  (California, Texas, Utah. to name a few.)  We are hoping that with a few implementing the ARCT will then begin to "snowball".  Below is an excerpt from a message (the full text is in EMCOMM ADVISOR, below) I recently sent to a WRRL member in Utah, where there is some interest in the SLC area.

>>>>>>> Continued on next message >>>>>>>
Warning -- some lines may be word wrapped in this message!
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Posted with persmission of Emcomm Monthly.
"Reproduced Courtesy of Emcomm Monthly and the WRRL" and

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