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VE3WBZ > FUEL     26.04.12 21:03l 88 Lines 3253 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 2405_VE3LSR
Subj: RE: G0TEZ's comments to FUEL
Sent: 120426/2039Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:2405 [Barrie] $:2405_VE3LSR


DT: Thursday,April 26th.,2012 @ 1606hrs EST

Hello Ian and carbuffs....

<< Quoting G0TEZ to FUEL @WW >>

>  I have been wondering about the MDI 'Air Car', nothing 
> about it on TV recently.

  Thats the one.   I saw a video on it, but not like the one
I have some printed material on ... same name but design
and country talking about marketing it...well no show
from where ever....wonder why I am not surprised?

> Despite our fuel being nearer $C 2.50/l the rush to the 
> pumps seems to have died down. Part of it was a good chance 
> of a tanker driver's strike which seems to have died down 
> so all that is left is the increase due to the troubles in 
> the Middle East. Pewople are just waiting to see what happens.

  I think many here are also wondering the same questions Ian.

> The UK Gov is keeping quiet at the moment, probably due to the 
> up and coming council elections. We haven't a national election 
> for about three years but local elections are affected.

  Municipal, and Provincial are near here too...but I think our
Feds, and Stevie Harper have a few and a majority to screw around

> Across in Europe, the French are having their elections and look 
> like having a new president. The Germans will be having one and 
> the Dutch parliament has collapsed.

  Saw that on the local news here too.... Interesting.

> Meanwhile, on your side of the Atlentic, O'Bama has got his worries.

  Yeah ... but then , we don't get to vote , so we wait for the mud
slinging to end, and the elections.

> The only thing in common to all these countries is that noemal, common
> people don't seem to have much faith in any of their would be leaders.

  Thats a reason here, that a majority and slim and growing does not
bother to vote.   I hear the moaners here, saying, ....if you don't
vote then you can not complain,   but....then by not voting, that is
only the tip to making a point by not voting, and ...if they are
not heard, as the moaners say...then might as well not pay taxes,
and have that slim majority ...fill the jails.

> Most countries are going right wing and Italy has a growing Communist
> faction - a crazy, mixed up world.

   Yep and getting worse, with even China, getting bugged by the antics
of N. Korea ... then some rocket launches, and well isn't it no wonder
that countrys are trying other ways, and, as I say.... Hit the Bricks!

> Hmm, I wonder what powers that Yellow Submarine, I am still hoping 
> for a pic.
>  73 - Ian, G0TEZ @ GB7CIP
> Message timed: 23:37 on 2012-Apr-24 BST
> Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80
> [End of Message #67833 from G0TEZ]

 I have forwarded your request to the Ministry of whatever, hidden
deep in the interior of the Government of the People's Friendly
Republic of Jackson's Point.    El Presidente for life, and
Great Leader of the Universe, will no doubt receive it, whenever.
 Have to go ... still sick as dog...not over lossing that sailboat
but sick sick for a week, and well it is bad enough to have me in
my Kalazooa.... which is Brasilian for...mmmm...mmm I dunt know.
 ttfn ....over and out.... 73 Pete VE3WBZ

PS: The CO has her CB and is on-air ...oh oh :)

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