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VE3WBZ > FUEL     31.05.12 03:35l 44 Lines 1575 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 5329_VE3LSR
Subj: Motion Lotion today...etc
Sent: 120531/0328Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:5329 [Barrie] $:5329_VE3LSR

DT: Wednesday, May 30th.,2012 @ 2313hrs EST <JPST>
Hello fellow chariot drivers, and all reading.
Well today, this evening I wanted to get the chariot filled, and
noted another drop at the pumps to CDN$ 1.22:9/litre.
Here too is the etc, as mentioned in CAR @WW , I had estimated my
costs per year for gas < petrol> for the steed, so powered, as
opposed the electric steed.
Another mentioned my estimates were wrong, which is his opinion
based on what, which is known to him, and not knowing my activities.
As I filled tonight, and tomorrow is pension pay day, well I then
did a simple calucaltion in the noodle to come up with more reasons
that compel me to a Toyota or Nissan electric, or even a MDI
Air driven motor, based upon my personal usage, which is different
from others...for obvious reasons.    
Of course I have not calculated for a Air motorcar ...only the electric
so I will be interested in that when the promised version is to be
released to the public this summer.
I wonder if they also have a marine engine, of electric or air, as at
the end of the season I still seem to have a full tank, as I have
the cadets sail into the harbour and up to the mooring, as opposed
to the rest that motor in, and go into a hasty reverse to stop at
their mooring.
Fuel from the boat, is used at the end of the season in another
application.  So it never goes "skunkie" or "bad" and therefore
is a waste.
The lake these days are quiet with few motorboats.
73 Pete VE3WBZ

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