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GM7HUD > GSM      09.01.05 00:42l 33 Lines 1251 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 331991GM7HUD
Subj: Re: Old hat - new use ?
Sent: 050108/1955z 14647@GB7ESX.#31.GBR.EU $:331991GM7HUD [Witham, Esx]NNA V3.1

Harry wrote:
> So, how do you turn it on? I have heard of lottery results via SMS and
> other
> similar services, but I thought these came through via the normal SMS
> service
> and that you had to pay an additional sum for these.

It's somewhere in "network settings" under cell broadcast or similar. It's
been on phones since 1995 but has not been popular or promoted for a simple

How do you make money from a one way, non-subscription service ?

As the network operators cannot think of a way to make money they haven't
pushed the service.

As for warning people... I dont think we should "invent" high tech
solutions to problems when many of the areas affected dont have cell
coverage never mind any indiginous peoples who have cell phones. 

I'm sure a system styled on  WW2 air-raid warning sirens, (ie big, loud,
and up where lots of people will hear them when asleep or busy not cradling
their phone in their hands) would be a much better solution. 

Once you have a solution in place that covers everyone (old, blind, young,
illiterate, rich and poor, tourist and local) then, and only then is it
worth extending the warning system to include cell phones.

Just my two penneth worth. You're welcome to disagree.

73 de Andy GM7HUD

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