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[BBS Antwerpen]

 Login: GUEST

G0FTD  > GSM      08.01.05 01:10l 49 Lines 1980 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 149207G0FTD
Subj: Old hat - new use ?
Sent: 050107/1407Z @:GB7SXE.#38.GBR.EU #:18497 [Hastings] FBB7.00i $:149207G0FT
To  : GSM@WW

Recently here in the UK there was some discussion on a radio program
about tsunami warnings and mobile phones.

It was also report how the Thai Govt sent SMS to all "roaming" phones in
an attempt to trace foreigners during the tsunami.

It was quried why the SMS facility was not used as an alert system which
was of course dismissed as taking up too much air time to make it

True - however why not use the never used cell broadcast system ?

That wont take up any time.

I think just about every mobile phone has it and yet no one uses it
(except I think in Germany for sending trivia or lottery "bulletins").

It's not just tsunami warnings, it's all the various other civil 
contingency issues such as flooding here in the UK,regional and global
problems that we're all supposed to be at war with, underground railway
problems where for hours no one gets told what the problems are and 
are waiting around for yonks, get the idea ?

The way to get people accustemed with the feature on their phones is
to put up some very basic info that gets users to switch the feature on
such as lottery numbers or local wx forcasts which cost almost nothing
to provide and from then on the cell broadcast system starts to serve a
useful function.

- Andy -

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