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EI3DIB > MAIL     08.01.05 17:11l 206 Lines 8488 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 492_EI3DIB
Subj: IRTS News 9th Jan 05
Sent: 050108/1529Z @:EI3DIB.#TIPP.IRL.EU #:492 [Ardfinnan] FBB7.00i $:492_EI3DI

Irish Radio Transmitters Society
Radio News Bulletin

Sunday January 9th 2005


Sincere condolences to Patrick O'Connor EI9HX on the death of his father 
Seamus, Togher, Ballinasloe on the 15th of December last.

Tsunami in Asia

Amateur radio played an important role in providing emergency 
communications during the recent disaster, especially in the hours and 
days immediately after the devastating tidal waves hit the coastal 
communities in Asia.  The earthquake epicentre, off the coast of 
Sumatra, was close to the Indian-controlled Andaman and Nicobar Islands.  
Although no amateur radio operations had been permitted from the Andaman 
and Nicobar Islands since 1987, by pure coincidence, a DXpedition was 
operating from there at the time the earthquake hit.   

Bharathi Prasad, VU2RBI, along with a Dxpedition team, had recently 
received special permission for an amateur radio DXpedition operation 
from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands using the callsigns VU4NRO and 
VU4RBI.  As soon as the earthquake struck, the DXpedition team switched 
to handling emergency communications traffic.  The local authorities 
asked for the team's help in carrying various emergency communications 
traffic.  Ram, VU2MYH, and another of the team were despatched to one of 
the Nicobar Islands that was hard hit. 

Normal DXpedition operations have been, of course, suspended. Please do 
not call VU4 stations unless they call you.

Victor Goonetilleke, 4S7VK, the President of the Radio Society of Sri 
Lanka (RSSL) said that they're trying hard to organise emergency 
communications and also doing some food distribution.  The task is made 
more difficult by the fact that the entire eastern coast of the country 
is badly affected.  An amateur radio team was dispatched to the worst 
affected area to link on HF and try VHF through one of the still-
operational repeaters and a co-ordinating centre is to be set up at 
'Temple Trees' at the Prime Minister's official residence in Colombo.

The RSSL president also stated that it was wonderful even at a tragic 
time to link up the south of Sri Lanka with the Prime Minister who comes 
from the south.  The link was established on 3 and 7 MHz. So when all 
the cellular phone and other means of communications failed, short wave 
stood bold and proud.  It is reported that a group of Indian amateurs 
are hoping to provide Sri Lankan amateurs with more spare battery-
operated HF equipment and a portable VHF repeater.   

In Thailand radio amateurs are helping to relay information between the 
affected areas along the west coast in the south to government agencies, 
mostly on VHF and 40 metres, as well as disseminating news and 
information over VHF frequencies in Bangkok.  Echolink, is also being 
used by allowing radio amateurs to relay information to concerned 
friends and relatives of those holidaying in the affected areas.   

Radio Amateurs in India are coordinating relief operations in the 
affected areas and assisting local authorities.  Radio Amateurs world-
wide have already contacted the Indian national society and offered to 
deliver materials to aid with the relief effort.    


Emergency Communications Frequencies in Asia   

It is important to keep clear of frequencies being used for emergency 
and health & welfare communications.  At present, these are:  VU4NRO at 
Port Blair, Andaman Islands on 14190 kHz.  VU4 Emergency Net, Andaman & 
Nicobar Islands on 14193 and 14160 kHz.  4S7SW in Mathara, Sri Lanka on 
14195 and 21295 kHz.  South India on 7050 kHz.  Indonesia on 7055 kHz 
and Thailand on 7075 kHz.  4S7, VU2 & 9M2 stations are also heard on 
7075 kHz.   

Earthquake news from Thailand is available on Echolink node 46601 
HS1WFK-1 24 hours a day.  Audio off Echolink is available at, allowing anyone with a web browser 
to listen in to the emergency communications traffic on Shoutcast using 

In order to lend any assistance possible to the disaster area, AMSAT AO-
51 has been reconfigured as a store-and-forward PBBS message satellite 
for those in the disaster area.  The normal schedule for AO-51 has been 
cancelled and the planned mode change to the FM repeater in high power 
will not occur.   

The PBBS will still be open to general amateur use, but operators should 
be ready to cease BBS operations at any moment and give priority to 
emergency communications.  AMSAT asks that all unattended PBBS operation 
stops until further notice.  The FM repeater on the satellite (downlink 
435.300 MHz and Uplink 145.920 MHz) will be turned off to allow maximum 
power to be used on the PBBS downlink.   

Should another configuration of AO-51 be identified as providing more 
benefit to those in the disaster area, AMSAT will adjust AO-51's 
operating mode accordingly.   


The AREN training net continues for 2005 and the next two events will 
take place on Saturday January 15th and on February 19th 2005, commencing 
at 0930.  The primary frequency is 7.099 MHz and the secondary frequency 
is 3.690 MHz.  This is a members only net, however non member traffic 
will be taken towards the end of the event when the training session has 
been completed.  If you have an interest in Emergency Communications 
please listen to the net and you are very welcome to call when invited 
to do so by the NCS.

Enquires about IRTS Emergency Communications are always welcome and 
should directed to the Emergency Communication Coordinator John Ketch 
EI2GN, on 086-2593005 or via e-mail to ei2gn at ketch dot ie.


Kerry Amateur Radio Group

The clubs field day will be held on Saturday the 15th of January, at a 
location in North Kerry.  Stations interested in particular grid squares 
in Kerry are asked to email their needs to clubinfo at kerry dot com, 
where it is hoped that more squares can be activated over the coming 

Up-to-date information on the club and its activities can be found on 
the web at


Phoenix Amateur Radio Group

The Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally will take place on Sunday the 6th of 
February 2005 in Coolmine Community School, Blanchardstown.  Doors open 
at 11.00 a.m. and admission is 3 euro.  Doors will open for traders at 
9.30 a.m.  For enquiries regarding tables, phone Tony on 01-8252074.


Cork, European Capital of Culture 2005

To celebrate Cork City's status as European Capital of Culture during 
2005, Cork Radio Club has introduced the Capital of Culture Award.

The award is available to all radio amateurs and shortwave listeners and 
to qualify you need to work or hear the special event station EI05CCC 
(Echo India Zero Five CCC) and either of the Cork Radio Club callsigns 
EI5CRC or EI1C during 2005.

Full details will appear on the Cork Radio Club website in the near 
future.  Enquiries to Finbarr EI1CS at buckleyf1 at eircom dot net.  All 
three callsigns will be activated during the coming year.


South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

Please note that there will be no general meeting for January 2005.  A 
committee meeting will take place on Wednesday the 24th of January in 
place of the general meeting.

This meeting will be convened to organise and set a date of the upcoming 
Annual General Meeting and all committee members are asked to attend.

For latest information about and announcements from the group, visit


South Dublin Radio Club

The closing date for entries to the SDR Photo Competition is the 11th of 
January 2005.  Presentation of prizes will take place on the 25th of 

On Tuesday the 11th of January there will be a demonstration on packet by 
Dave EI3IO.  This will include details of the increased packet coverage 
in the Dublin area and the new features recently added.  Visitors are 
more than welcome.

For more information about South Dublin Radio Club visit the clubs site 


Items for inclusion in next weeks Radio News should be forwarded to Mark 
EI7IS.  News should be submitted via e-mail to for 
automatic forwarding to both the radio and printed news services.  
Please note that items for the radio news should reach the editor no 
later than midday on Fridays.

            Best 73 from John, Sysop @ EI3DIB.#TIPP.IRL.EU

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