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VE3WBZ > OIL      19.11.11 18:19l 109 Lines 4575 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 56355_VE3LSR
Subj: RE:Comment of KB2VXA ..etc
Sent: 111119/1706Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:56355 [Barrie] $:56355_VE3LSR
To  : OIL@WW


DT: Saturday,November 19th.,2011 @ 1156hrs EST

<< Quoting KB2VXA to OIL @WW >>

> From         : KB2VXA         To           : OIL   @WW
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 19-Nov 15:29
> Bid          : 9578_VK6ZRT    Message #    : 56344
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ > pipeline

Hello ..again Warren and all reading along...

>> Cue The Chantays. (;->)
>> "Why cue them?  Who are they?"
> Google is your friend (;->) but since you asked I have a song for every 
> occasion, in this case Pipeline.

I have a saying for the songs too ...

> "I'm still wondering why there is a pipeline in the first place."
> To get product from A to B.

The thought there, still cut from the rest of the paragraph was answered
with placing it in an area where it should not be.  Easy.

>> "Why not establish refinerys where these big sources are...
> In a word, logistics. If you have a refinery near the source you still
> have to ship product and a pipeline is the most efficient and cost 
> effective way to do it. So why Texas? Most US refineries have closed 
> leaving a few in California and Texas located near port cities so again 
> we have logistics, that's where shipping is located, not only ocean going 
> vessels but railheads and trucking terminals.

Again, the answer was implied.   The pipeline takes it out and refines
it for us, then we pay more for it coming back, when if we refined it
ourselves we'd save at the pumps.

> The lady on TV wasn't "a shirt from outside" as one wouldn't have the 
> same impact as a local but rather a parrot delivering a message. It's all 
> in how the news media works, there are several aspects to behavioral 
> psychology and this runs neck and neck with marketing psychology. To put 
> it another way, college courses teach all sorts of dirty tricks; mind 
> games.

Not a parrot.   I live here.  If they tried to put a garbage dump in
like last time, the same would happen.   It threatens my home and
property and me and my family.   No parrot necessary for that.

Same for that farmer in Nebraska.  Glad she did it.  Someone had too!

> Well you're right about one thing, I just can't get my brain around how
> (Connection dropped, here's where things get screwy.)
> the water table in Nebraska can only be one foot underground.
> If that were the case they wouldn't need those deep irrigation wells
> so something about that story just doesn't smell right.

Just split the paragraph again , as the bottom has nothing really to
do with the top.    The News and documentary investigation was done
on a few farms and the water table was close to the suface, and demonstrated
with a posthole digger....It wasn't all that far down...I judged a foot
when they hit the water table .       The only deep irrigation ditch
I saw was the path preparation to drop the pipeline in.    The corn farmer
for watering would need a lot so his system looked like it was deeper
and he might have had a tank down there, with the water seeping in.

>                                                         Then it's
> like I said, pipelines already criss-cross the country and they
> have exceptional safety records so it seems to me the wires got
> crossed between pipelines and offshore drilling platforms, people
> tend to take things at face value without reasoning them out so that's
> as good a bogey man as any.

While they criss-cross and this and that, one has to look at the times
and well the hype that allowed them.  NOW we are all conscious of other
issues raised by them being in our midst.

Offshore rigs, really have no inspections it seems, or rules as we
have seen in  the recent problems,  worldwide,   you might not want to
use as a shining example as some laws don't apply.

> A pipeline through the Rockies? About all I can say is either someone is
> making a sarcastic joke or let his brain out to pasture.
> 73 de Warren
> Message timed by NIST: 15:22 on 2011-Nov-19 GMT
> [End of Message #56344 from KB2VXA]

 Not a joke.   Try a mostlikely reality as CANADA has entered talks
with CHINA and others to supply oil, that was destined for the other
market,  hence the pipline thru the Rockies to maybe Vancouver or
some nice spot on the BC coast to set up a outlet port to supply
a Super Tanker.     No doubt I think a few will be upset with this
too and well more sensitive areas to worry about.

Anyway ... I am glad people are taking an interest in where they live
and where they call home.   It is long overdue.

73 Peter VE3WBZ

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