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VE3WBZ > OIL      27.11.11 18:23l 95 Lines 3895 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 56993_VE3LSR
Subj: RE: Oily seniors by KB2VXA
Sent: 111127/1712Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:56993 [Barrie] $:56993_VE3LSR
To  : OIL@WW


DT: Saturday, November 26th.,2011 @ 1508hrs EST

Hello Warren and all ... 10c outside and no time to get
a packet ready for transmission sometime later on...

<< Quoting KB2VXA to OIL @WW >>
> From         : KB2VXA         To           : OIL   @WW      
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 26-Nov 16:37
> Bid          : 9899_VK6ZRT    Message #    : 56897
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ > Oily seniors
> You've got it wrong, the greenie stuff is another issue altogether.

  NO it is not.   The Greenie stuff here is tied to benefits for
seniors in their own homes if they get rid of a stove, furnace or
fridge to reduce our carbon footprint and go as they say on the
website GREEN.   Supported by the Greenies, but then they never
defend the seniors of the majority, that DO NOT have the money to
do all this to get some meager bonus.   They might save in the
long run...but with seniors time is short, and most have medical
conditions and not too many stay in their homes to the end.

Remember Warren,  the USA didn't sign on to that International
Agreement like Canada did.

> To qualify for other than Social Security benefits a family must
> be living below a certain income level, it varies depending on
> the benefit.

Senior Old Age Pension is given to all, and there is a minium and
the maxium per month is about $CAN 750.00   Spousal survivor is
like half of his Old Age Pension.   There is lots of them out there
for other people , but then I zeroed in on what Seniors get here
and they are truely SCREWED over.

>> "They don't do that here from what I have tried to find out."
> The key word is TRY, there is no information package so one has
> to play detective, asking around and following leads to discover
> what benefits are available and what one may qualify for.
> Like any insurance they're quick to take your money but when payback
> time comes around you have to fight tooth and nail to get what you
> qualify for. Yeah, I have my battle scars.

 Huh?   I did try.   I did this for my father and mother, and sooner
or later myself, but then I will be down south, so oil and others
will be no problem , as well no snow or cold.

The leads for seniors benfits, always ends up with the having to spend
lots of money, to enjoy savings that are over 20-30years, and as I
found out with my parents, they never would have lived long enough to
enjoy any of these generous benefits.

> Yeah, we get lousy treatment here down south but if it's worse in The 
> Great White North (Cue Bob and Doug.) just think of Arlo Guthrie and a 
> cut on his Alice's Restaurant album. If you think you have it bad just 
> remember someone has it worse than you. But what about the last guy? 
> NOBODY has it worse than that guy!
> Nice day, isn't it?
> Every day you spend above ground is a nice day.
> 73 de Warren
> Message timed by NIST: 16:26 on 2011-Nov-26 GMT
> [End of Message #56897 from KB2VXA]

  They call this the first world, and well in some countrys like
Canada and their benfits and spending money up front to qualify
for peanuts and the carbon footprint, and it shuts up the Greenies
of which we have one in Parliament...some whining skeeching voice
that I really have no time for.

My MP sent me the same stuff I got on the net and looking about
and also trying to help other seniors with their income tax and
papers.   Even companys like bell and others screw the seniors.

Yes ... there is always someone worse off then me, and I see the
world news to verify this.

Oh well ...  73 Pete VE3WBZ

PS:  Glad I have property down south... investing there too for better
     investment gains, then some bank giving me 1% and charging me
     more to remove my RSPs.    Worse thing I ever got into this RSP.

     Below Ground time:  Cold War in a fallout shelter in a test.

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