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G4EBT  > OLDIE    18.11.05 21:24l 166 Lines 6525 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 421259G4EBT
Subj: Old VK5QX bull and VK response
Sent: 051118/1919Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:12822 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:421259G4

Here's a re-send of a response by a VK amateur to a bulletin from VK5QX
who'd taken exeception to a tasteless humour bulletin placed on packet 
by another VK.

In his self-appointed role as packet censor, VK5QX had played his
"blasphemy" card. The response in full is below. Although it was 
sent to VKNET, such bulls invariably go out to the world, as do 
many sent to "GBR only".

So, a VK sent out the Humour bull, another VK took exception to it, and
yet another VK responded. If nothing else, it blows a hole in the
oft-stated comment that "humour doesn't travel well". All of the parties
were in VK.

I though the points in the response was well made, but I make no added
comments. I've had to put a couple of asterisks in one word as I think 
the UK word filters might otherwise trap it.
Interesting to see that as usual, VK5QX says "religion on packet is a 
taboo subject", yet goes on at length to impose his own religious views 
on others in a menacing manner, mentioning risk of "complaints" and even
the death sentence to blasphemers.

Here it is verbatim:

VK6CR wrote:-
From         : VK6CR
To           : PTL   @VKNET   
Type/Status  : BF
Date/Time    : 22-Aug 13:25
Bid          : 31293_VK6CR
Message #    : 273375
Title        : Re: Harley Vs. God
VK6CR/TPK 1.83d Msg #:31293  Date:22-08-03  Time:20:42Z

VK5QX opines:
> To even try and equate God with a motorcycle can be seen as being not 
> only offensive but to some people tantamount to blasphemy.  From the 
> Collins "Australian" dictionary: "blasphemy - behaviour or language 
> that shows disrepect for God or sacred things".
Yes indeed it was blasphemous...a Harley is sacred to a Hells Angel!
>  What seems to be ignored here, in the comments quoted above, is that 
> there is a wide range of views on almost every subject.
Not wrong there.
> Some of such views may be extreme, however, there are usually 
> instances where a reasonably common view occurs.
Extreme? It is not extreme to adopt a contrary position. It is extreme 
to suggest that a person that adopts such a position is wrong. 
> These common views can be disparate and no doubt will depend on an 
> individual's personal leaning towards a particular aspect of the 
> subject as well as their understanding as to the things and issues 
> involved.

No, it will depend both on their ability to accept rational debate and 
their underlying intelligence. The only intelligent people in the 
religion business are those making a very nice quid (or fringe 
benefits) out of it!
> By that I mean that you undoubtedly can encounter widely differing 
> points of view according to the individual's personal beliefs. 

And look what they did to poor Pauline! Julius save her! 
> A Christian will accept God, but in a totally different way to the 
> parallel acceptance as would be encountered when dealing with someone 
> who adheres to an Eastern religion.

I lead what is euphamistically called a Christian way of life. I do not 
however accept the assumed deity. For me its a way of life to generally 
do the right thing to others.
> You will thus perhaps agree that there can be a number of (differing) 
> but relatively common points of view. 
As always. However when somebody disagrees with my opinion I do not 
shout "blasphemer!".
>In the case of a subject that touches on religion, and this can be 
>inferred wherever the issue of "GOD" comes into the discussion, one 
>can easily be treading on dangerous ground.
Why? GOD is merely another opinion. Why should it be dangerous. The 
only thing dangerous is the blind adoption of religious bigotry. I have 
discussed such things with some quite polarised muslims in their own 
countries. Only the blinded bigots have a problem. Look at Israel!
> A number of aspects need to be considered. The taking of the name 
> of "God" in vain, can be seen as a serious matter.

By whom? Those that prosper from the ridiculous fear of the hereafter? 
Those that abuse small children, either physically or mentally? Those 
that breed on the impoverished whilst living in splendour in an Italian 
> Amongst some of the more extreme religions, such an act could be seen 
> as warranting a death sentence. 

Extreme religion? I presume that you mean Christianity...burning at the 
stake, drawing and quartering, inquisitions? Yes you must mean 
Christianity, or at least the Catholic version! Then again we can keep 
it all in-house like our Christian Brothers? Get real Ian.
> (I would not wish to be on the end of this as it is just as likely 
> that some "extremist" might attempt to carry it out.)

Excommunication? Isn't that a papist invention? I'm not aware of 
similar muslim, hindu or buddhist schemes. Religious extremism is not 
the perogative of any religion. It comes about through stupidity. 
>In the case of the less extreme religions merely a complaint could be
Which moderates - baptists?
>It may also be that some people would go to the effort of praying for 
> the offender etc. In the instance in hand, I have noted that there 
> have been some complaints, although I have not noted any death 
> threats.

I suppose its unlikely that we'll have helicopters firing a few rockets 
at us as we drive to Woolies.
> The complaints that I have seen so far would appear to be valid and 
> well within the rights of a person to object to something that to them 
> seems to be unacceptable.

> The point is that the matter is totally unrelated to amateur radio. 
> They should thus have ignored the original bulletin and shut the f**k 
> up! (Thats fork of course). However they get on their soap boxes and 
> prattle on..............................................................
> ............ ...........................................................
> ................. ...................................................
p.s. I think 5QX is a boring opined old t*ss-p*t. However as this is 
neither contentious nor religious, it is presumably OK to say so. Then 
again, the poor chap has to live in VK5 and that must be for religious 
reasons; I can think of no other rational reason! Allah Akhbar!!!!!

> [End of Message #273375 from VK6CR]

Not much changes does it?

73 - David, G4EBT @ GB7FCR

QTH: Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Message timed: 19:08 on 2005-Nov-18
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