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[BBS Antwerpen]

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G4EBT  > PANTO    12.12.05 16:56l 187 Lines 6930 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
Subj: Re: Quoth the Bobbin, "nevermore".
Sent: 051212/1032Z @:GB7FCR.#16.GBR.EU #:17019 [Blackpool] FBB-7.03a $:BD1547G4

G'day possums.

Ian, G0TEZ, wrote:-

>If by 'David' you mean G4EBT can quite easily reply to Warren (the 
>one in NJ?), then David cannot read any packet messages from Warren 
>just as I can't as he is barred from this BBS as well as a number of
>others @GBR and @EU.

I can read his messages if I want to, and sometimes do. You don't need to
be a radio amateur to read packet bulls  - anyone can read them. They're
plastered all over t'internet if you know where to look. 

Someone, somewhere, may be using them for research to write a clinical
psychology or behavioural science thesis on the limitations of non-verbal
communications, and the "community care" role that packet plays in keeping
old buffers like me out of harm's way. 

If they aren't, they ought to be.

Not seeing Warren's messages at GB7FCR isn't leaving a gap in my life.
Snatches of text do occasionally attach themselves to other people's bulls
"Trojan-horse style" and appear in the UK. When, for example, Bob
responses to Warren's trolling, as in the above instance.

I think bob and Warren deserve each other, especially with the panto
season in full swing.

>I've been trying to remember Warren's callsign, KB  something or other
>comes to mind. It has been a long time now...


His electronic tag and ant-social behaviour order remain in place for now.
Actually, I think Warren would be very good company at his local Amateur
Radio Club or at the bar. 

Packet's a very poor way to get to know anyone. Too many people take
themselves and others far too seriously in this menagerie which passes
itself off as a tiny sliver of "hobby radio".
>BTW  my apologies to David, G4EBT if I've got the wrong one.

I think you're correct Ian, but in any event no apologies are called for.

Ordinarily, censorship - as in the stifling of legitimate debate, is
menacing and odious, but it's worth remembering why Warren became 
persona non grata at most UK BBSs. 

Censorship shouldn't be confused with moderation. 

Lots of people have lots to say about what should and shouldn't be on
packet. This isn't helped by a widespread misunderstanding of the terms 
of the licence, and not having an "acceptable terms of use policy" to 
cover the style of bulletins.

Personally, although I write about things which from time to time clearly
wind up a few on here, I don't write with the intention of causing
offence. And I don't tell others not to write about something, then
promptly write about the self-same topic myself.

When people react, as a few have done, it's due to their fixation about
topics which - however sensitively they're written, and however impeccable
the source, they simply believe ought not to be on packet. 

Then they themselves write about those topics in less measured terms.
Maybe it's down to "selective amnesia". There's a lot of it about on
packet, and some get "caught with their hands in the cookie jar" then go
into denial.

The fact that packet takes up bandwidth available to the whole amateur
community means that the system should be available for messages on any
topic which comply with the terms of the licence, or access is being 
denied prejudicially for other than regulatory reasons.

However, when the content of messages isn't simply robust banter, but is
wholly offensive; and it's clear that the only purpose of the message was
to cause offence; and obvious that this was in the mind of the writer when
the message was penned; and when this goes on over a long period of time, 
then moderation is called for.

I Warren's case he became a bit of a "one trick pony" over LLLing, as 
have a few others. He seems to have moved on a bit since then, and so 
has packet. Most active bulletin writers in the UK, are what Warren and
others would term "LLLs". It matters not.

Here's a few of many clips leading up to the plug being pulled on Warren:

9 June 2003, from a UK amateur (not me or 'HUD):

>KB2VXA disgracefully wrote with reference to GM7HUD:-

>>Speaking of axes to grind or just axes, I'm holding one with your name 
>>on it and waiting to bury in your head. If you think this response is 
>>flaming, ya ain't seen nuttin' yet baby!

UK amateur:

>This really is a step too far. Can we please be spared Warren's
>disgraceful output ? I know he talks LOTS of rubbish (not a crime I 
>know) - but personal and disgraceful stuff like this is just going too

From another UK amateur (not me):

>KB2VXA wrote about Harry M1BYT:-

>>as to what's going on! Narrow minded software + narrow minded reader =
>>total moron.

Other UK amateur:

>I think that counts as a personal attack, enough to warrant eradication
>of his future offerings on the network?

>The above can be added to personal attacks upon:-


>and some VK stations
>and some South African stations.

>Its gone too far now I think. 

>I can understand constructive criticism even when aimed at an individual
>but so far KB2VXA only offers venom.

29 July 2003 from a UK sysop (Not M1CUK at GB7FCR):

>I have thought quite a lot about writing this message. Especially when
>consider how much flack one gets for announcing that somebody is going to
>be rejected or ignored...

>Well the last straw came when I stumbled across a message that has been
>sent by KB2VXA which I doubt will see the light of day here - But I can
>E-Mail it to those who are interested. The recent bulletins over
>censorship, sysops and reviewing mail will probably triumph because this
>particular message is totally un-acceptable in the Amateur Hobby.

End of clips.

With no let up in sight, for the sake of tranquillity the plug was pulled 
at several UK BBSs, and remains so to this day. I'm sure it would alter 
if Warren calmed down a bit, but it's unrealistic to insult sysops, yet
expect them to use their gear, and pay the electricity bill to distribute
those insults.

Bizarre, isn't it, that with the nickname in the UK of the "Axman" 
he's recently entered the fray as a "style guru" to counsel others 
about "burying the hatchet", when no-one's waving one around.

From KB2VXA, about Bob 'n me:
> > Will you guys bury the hatchet or nuke each other into oblivion 
> >and get it over with already? 

And you read that stuff?

I guess Bob's preferred weapon of choice throughout his years "at the
chalkface" was nothing more menacing then the edge of a wooden rule, 
a blackboard duster at ten paces, or a tantrum.

Nowadays, he uses nothing more menacing than a wooden spoon, but always 
in the best possible taste. 

Warren's fascination with sharp-edge tools and WMD is worrying!
I take the view that "la plume est plus puissant que l'epee".

73 - David, G4EBT @ GB7FCR

QTH: Cottingham, East Yorkshire.

Message timed: 10:27 on 2005-Dec-12
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.70

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