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N0KFQ  > PONDER   11.07.17 14:21l 78 Lines 3790 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 38393_N0KFQ
Subj: Powder Keg Next Door?
Sent: 170711/1455Z 38393@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.13

Powder Keg Next Door?

     And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and
     there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from
     the throne, saying "It is done."

     And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and
     there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were
     upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great..
     --Revelation 16:17-18

I saw a disturbing news item on one of the major networks last
week about Yellowstone Park.  A swarm of earthquakes has been
happening over the last week and they were moving in a direction
that so concerned NASA and the scientific community that they
were reorienting our largest infrared observation satellite
(SOFIA) away from the sun and on Yellowstone to detect any
swelling of the landmass.  They fear a volcanic eruption could
occur and one that would make Mount St. Helens eruption in 1980
look like a fire cracker compared to a stick of dynamite.  In
fact, the Yellowstone caldera (lava reservoir) has been
discovered to be so large --hundreds of miles wide -- that if it
should pop, the explosion could "gut America" wiping out a third
of the states.  The ensuing volcanic dust cloud and fallout is
potentially so great as to lower global temperatures and ruin
through ash pollution America's breadbasket causing multiple crop
failures and famine around the world.  Does this sound like
exaggeration and Chicken Little's fear that the sky is falling?  
Not according to scientists like Dr. Michio Kaku of the City
College of New York and many others who warn that it has all
happened before.  They say that such a massive eruption nearly
wiped out the human race and killed off animals around the world
(i.e. the dinosaurs) thousands of years ago.  I agree.  

The Bible says that when God judged the world for its violence
and sin the first time, "the fountains of the great deep" busted
forth together with the heavens -- and all of mankind was wiped
out except for Noah and his family (Genesis 7).  Doctor Kaku
doesn't acknowledge the judgment of God but he verifies the
geological record testifying of the global catastrophe.  He says
we must be concerned about Yellowstone but admits that when the
"inevitable" event does happen (he says 10% chance in our
lifetime) -- there is little that man can do to prevent or
mitigate the destruction.  

Wow, isn't that comforting.  Living next to a global powder keg
that is rumbling right now.  Bozeman, Montana felt one of the
quakes last week, (4.5 magnitude) but if the eruption hits,
Bozeman is not expected to survive the initial blast.

The doctor and professor Kaku doesn't reference the Bible but
smilingly says "the odds" eventually have to catch up with us.

Is life and this world all about "the odds" -- luck or mere
fickle fate?  That's sad for God-rejecting men who preach that
everything is by chance -- even your origin.  That maybe we may
live till tomorrow if some meteor doesn't stray into earth's path
or the blazing hot deep doesn't belch forth death on us all.  But
the Bible says God graciously holds everything in check -- giving
man opportunity to enjoy His good and recognize it -- turning to
Him in thankfulness and worship.  He holds it all "in check" --
forestalling man's judgment that individuals might be saved and
secured forever (2 Peter 3:9).  But He warns, He will forestall
forever -- and will destroy and cleanse the earth of sinners once
more (Genesis 6:3-7; Revelation 3:10; 6:15-17; 21:1).  

You can be forgiven, you can be saved? Have  you been secured,
forever?  Jesus told His disciples "fear not" -- they would be
safe in "His hands" (John 10:27-30).  Are you? (John 3:16)

++Pastor Mike at 605-295-2513++                    

"What the Bible Says.." By  Mike Patrick KI5CT

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