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N0KFQ  > PONDER   02.08.17 04:12l 79 Lines 3554 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 40555_N0KFQ
Subj: Our Incredible Earth
Sent: 170801/2327Z 40555@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

Our Incredible Earth

     "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?

     Tell me, if you understand.
     Who marked off its dimensions?

     Surely you know!

     Who stretched a measuring line across it?  
     On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone -
     While the morning stars sang together and all the angels
     shouted for joy?" --God speaking to Job

Carl Sagan, who was a popular TV "scientist" said in a
documentary that there was only two requirements for a planet in
the universe to support life;  a star like our sun and the right
distance from that star.  That was an incredibly naïve statement
that I am sure imaginative star trek fans happily embraced but
has since been utterly exposed as foolishness for simpletons.  
The precision and complexity of the parameters required for a
planet to support life is running beyond man's ability to
calculate since such statements were made -- but as true
scientists continue to study and crunch the data, the evidence
continues to pile up that earth appears to be both unique and
miraculous.  At the time that Carl Sagan (since deceased and
before His Maker) made that statement, it was estimated that
there were 10 to the 24th power number of planets in the universe
that could support life -- making earth less than unusual and
special. But as the science has advanced discovering presently
over 200 factors which must be precisely right for life -- that
number has come down to literally "zero" -- meaning scientists
cannot explain why even this "life-bearing" earth exists. Those
factors have become known as the "Goldilocks" parameters, as in
"not too hot, and not too cold, but just right."  If any of them
are not precisely matched, life can't exist.  To survey them all
here is impossible but may I share a few examples.

The sun star must be single; 75% of the stars of the universe are
double or multiple.  Only single stars can support planets for
long due to the irregular gravity forces.  Size, distances
between and even the tilt of the planet in respect of its star
must be precise or the planet's temperatures will run too hot or
too cold for life.  The position of the star in its galaxy must
be precise because of dangerous oscillations that occur as stars
rotate around the galaxy center and dangerous radiations which
flow from that center.  Miraculously, there are lots of cosmic
dust clouds which shield our sun from these radiations.  

The gravitational pull of our earth is exactly right to keep
water vapor trapped and our atmosphere intact.  The earth's
rotation is at a perfect speed; a little slower and our sun's
rays would roast us; a little faster and the winds would blow us
away.  Even the arrangement of the other planets in our solar
system has made life possible.  If not for the massive Jupiter,
it is estimated that earth would be struck by large meteors 1,000
times more often resulting in huge catastrophes and death.  
Earth's gases are perfectly balanced; a little more oxygen in
that balance and the resulting fires could not be put out.

God asked Job where was he when He established the foundations of
this earth and set its boundaries?  That was written over 4,000
years ago.  This God is your Maker.  Have you acknowledged Him?  

Don't lose your eternal soul in denial.  Believe on His Son and
you shall be saved (John 3:16).  Trust His Word and you will
learn truth (John 14:6; 17:17).

++Got questions?  Ask/call/text  Mike at 605-295-2513++    

"What the Bible Says.." By  Mike Patrick KI5CT

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