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N0KFQ  > PONDER   14.08.17 16:31l 66 Lines 2928 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 41667_N0KFQ
Subj: Who Knew?
Sent: 170814/1720Z 41667@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

Who Knew?

     "..even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.."
     --Jesus, Matthew 10:30

One of the attributes of the infinite God who made all things is
that He knows all things (omniscience) -- at all times.  King
David wrote under divine inspiration that He knows "when we rise
up and when we sit down" and even our thoughts before we can
express them in words (Psalm 139).  He knows the seemingly
infinite numbers of stars which he created and calls them each by
name (Psalm 147:4).  He made and wrote the DNA code for every
living creature (Genesis 1).  In the beginning, He paraded many
of these creatures before Adam that he might name them (Genesis
2:19).  Scientists are still naming and classifying animals some
of which they are only now discovering -- and some of such
consequence, that our very existence would not be possible
without them.  

Ever heard of archaea?  Probably not since, although they make up
an estimated 20% of all living organisms on planet earth, they
weren't classified until 1977.  Most are microscopic although the
largest can be seen with the naked eye -- and although man has
been looking at the microscopic creatures of God since the early
1600's -- until 1977, they were "miss-classified" as bacteria.  
But they are very different in their bio-chemical makeup and
their capabilities which affect the environment.  

They have the ability to survive the most extreme conditions
found on our planet and without them, all other biological life
as we know it, probably couldn't exist.  They exist in the oceans
and in the soils of the earth; from the guts of cows and termites
to sponges in coral seas.  They have been found to be critical to
the nitrogen cycle that enables fertility on our planet --
something of which every farmer is aware.  They make possible
ammonia oxidation in soils which feed the plants and other

They are specialized and essential in many other chemical cycles
vital to life on earth but beyond the scope of this article to
examine (google it) -- but "who knew?"

God knows all and tells us of things that run far beyond the
capacity of our marvelous but limited brains.  Did you know that
scientists estimate that present human knowledge rises only to
the level of 4% of all that exist of the known physical reality?  
What of the spiritual realm?  No wonder that God requires of man
to take His Word by faith.

What do you know of the mysteries of life?  Why are you?  Where
do you go -- your personality,  your soul -- when the heart beats
its last beat and the body grows cold?  God has told us by His
revelation -- by "What the Bible Says.."  

Death is not the end -- but Jesus is "the way" back to
relationship with your Maker (John 14:6).  Believe God's record.  
He knows -- and He will save you, forever (John 3:16).

++Got questions?  Read the Bible.  605-295-2513++       

"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT

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