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N0KFQ  > PONDER   24.09.17 13:07l 79 Lines 3786 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 45780_N0KFQ
Subj: Globalism vs. Nationalism
Sent: 170923/2341Z 45780@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

Globalism vs. Nationalism

     And I saw a beast coming out of the sea_ the whole world was
     astonished and followed the beast. --Revelation 13

A major issue that has suddenly arisen dividing Americans and
other citizens around the world is the embracing of globalism
over nationalism.  Globalism being touted as the compassionate
and intelligent wave of the future and nationalism, an intolerant
remnant of the past increasingly being vilified as right wing and
the equivalent of Hitler's Nazism.  When Donald Trump won the
presidency with the theme of "Make America great again" -- it has
been maligned as a step back in the progress of man toward a
world of unity, toleration and compassion confronting its
universal problems.  The globalist's solution is the advance of a
one-world government.  

Climate change (which used to be global warming) was a major
first rallying issue with the globalists and continues to be
major despite dissenting scientists and contradicting data.  
Climate "naturally" changes but exploiting men must be blamed and
malignant effects magnified to advance their cause.  Human
production and prosperity itself becomes the evil that rich
nations enjoy while blocking (with walls) desperate immigrants
from often corrupt and poorer countries.  

To be sure, there are injustices and greed throughout the whole
world no matter where a country is found on the economic scale of
nations.  The world does have global problems that were first
universally addressed by Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations
following World War 1.  It was a failure even as the United
Nations has largely proven to be since its inception.  Men and
nations compete and fight more than they cooperate, but the
humanistic and logical answer to global troubles for the
secularists (denying God) must be "man in control" which shall
lead eventually to Big Brother government.  The Bible clearly
predicts this is the world's future but the strong man who will
lead it is called a "beast."  He will defy God and all His will
and command found in the Holy Scripture.  He will be both the
puppet and in-flesh representation of Satan himself who will in
his power, deify himself, commanding the worship of all other men
(Rev.13:6-8; Isaiah 14:12-14).  This will be the climax of man's
rebellion against God and Christ will return, destroying him

Is globalism an evil? And nationalism all good?  Well, that
depends on who is leading the globalism and the character of the
nation.  Globalism will only succeed  and be right when Jesus,
the King of kings returns to lead it (Isaiah 9:6-7).  The
humanist first attempt is destined to fail at the feet of Christ.  
Men might deny God, but they will not succeed without Him.  The
fruit of that effort will end in destruction for all who align
with it (Rev.14:9-11).  

America was founded on Christian principle and faith and to that
extent, has been blessed and a light to the world.  It is divided
and moving from that light.  For those who still honor that
heritage, nationalism is a good thing; but is increasingly being
vilified.  Public school officials in California have labeled the
chant of "USA!" at sporting and other school events as being
inappropriate and intolerant.  Whole cities and a state
(California) is attempting to reject national law declaring
themselves sanctuary for illegals.  Borders and police have
become evil.  Lawlessness is justified.  Expect this trend to
continue (2 Thess. 2:3-10).

We are living in troubling and momentous times.  A King and
kingdom is coming that is going to supersede it all.  Jesus is
that King.  Have you trusted in Him? (John 3:16).

++Got questions?  The Bible has the answers.  605-295-2513++  

"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT


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