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N0KFQ  > PONDER   16.10.17 06:53l 87 Lines 4006 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 48210_N0KFQ
Subj: The Threat of Robotics and AI
Sent: 171015/2047Z 48210@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

The Threat of Robotics and AI

     And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
     likeness; and let them have dominion_ --Genesis 1:26b

Modern technology is advancing at a frightening pace which offers
both promise and threat -- as technology both aids and
"displaces" us.  This is most obvious in the area of robotics wed
with computers and their quantum leap into independent artificial
intelligence -- machines that are being successfully programmed
to "learn on their own." We are making machines after "our own
image" and the danger that futurists recognize and write scary
novels about, is that  robots could gain "self consciousness"
unto self preservation and finally domination, ultimately
supplanting us, their human creators.  Wouldn't that be
theologically ironic; just what man has sought to do toward his

Just ponder this developing technological miracle with me and
note that it is not some far-fetched and impossible dream or
nightmare.  It is reality today.  Machines are replacing people
-- through the checkout lines at Walmart.  There are stores today
that are becoming like giant "vending machines" where you don't
walk through aisles to view the product, but you press buttons
and your selections drop into a bag for your pickup.  Worse yet,
our neighborhood stores are closing as you just view pictures and
product descriptions on your home computer, enter a credit card
number and almost anything is delivered by truck and perhaps
soon, drones.  

Cars and trucks and tractors are driving themselves today.  I
read a recent article on the internet where a field of grain was
planted, cultivated and harvested completely by autonomous
machines while the farmer monitored it all at his home computer.  
Machines are replacing people -- because it is more profitable
and reliable -- and we all know that profit "rules" in
capitalism.  But where will the 3.5 million commercial truck
drivers in the United States find work when the machines have
taken over?      

It's physical machine wed to computer wed to sensors -- like our
physical body is wed to brain, is wed to senses -- and this
technological sea change is just beginning.  One expert in the
field warns that it is increasingly blind to "blue or white"
collars.  The doctors and lawyers and accountants think that
their higher education jobs are safe but these machines can
progressively replace them also. Present computer diagnosis has
beat out professionals on cancer detection and advised treatment.  
Robotic surgery has performed operations flawlessly.  Online
legal services can replace lawyers on much required legal
documentation.  Fill in the blanks and an online program will do
your taxes.  Why do you need a person who requires large fees to
cover their expenses, wants, and needs (healthcare) -- when a
tireless and  uncomplaining and increasingly error-free machine
can be on duty as long as there's an electrical outlet nearby?  
Man is replacing himself -- in the work place and on the
battlefield -- and it is not all good and benefits.

It should drive man to the larger philosophical questions like:  
"What is my purpose?" and "How am I to spend my life?"  Well,
when it comes to the machines, we quite easily discern that the
"machine should benefit its maker" or it's worth less than junk
fit for destruction.  But do we benefit our Maker?  Or in our
autonomy, do we live only to benefit ourselves?  God calls that

Ironically, God may allow man to duplicate his own failing and
reap its peril -- a creature we formed in "our own (rebellious)

The "why" of who we are and what we were meant to do --
references back to our Maker, God.  Where do you stand with Him?  
Do you read His Word, the Bible and follow His Son, Jesus Christ?
He alone has the answers to the ultimate questions. He alone,
redeems us unto a fulfilled life and truth, eternal (John 3:16;
10:10; 14:6).


"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT

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