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N0KFQ  > PONDER   14.01.18 18:13l 66 Lines 2988 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 57656_N0KFQ
Subj: Source and Sustainer - of Everything
Sent: 180114/1749Z 57656@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

Source and Sustainer - of Everything

     "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.."
     --God, Romans 11:36a

I enjoy watching animal and nature documentaries.  With their
high definition cameras, patience, diligence and tireless
research, they give us an ever amazing presentation of the
complexities and wonders of God's handiwork.  Unfortunately they
do not give Him the credit or the glory.  They propose that all
these wonders happen by time and chance through the only
alternative they could imagine called evolution.  They discern
certain principles at work in biology such as "survival of the
fittest" and gloss over the fact that it nor they can explain
first causes of intricate design (DNA).  

I could share a different wonder every week in this column and
never run short of material.  I just read on the internet about
birds of prey in Australia that start forest fires.?  The native
Aboriginal peoples spoke of these "fire hawks" but only recently
have they been filmed in action.  It was noticed that when a fire
had started in a forest or grassland -- and firefighters were
attempting to contain it with firebreaks -- the fire would
sometimes mysteriously jump the firebreak by as much as a half
mile.  Then these birds were observed carrying burning sticks in
their beaks or talons.  They were deliberately spreading the fire
and congregating in flocks at the fire's edge to attack and eat
fleeing rodents and reptiles.  An amazing learned behavior for a
creature with a brain the size of a couple peas.  

Of course this wonderful vital planet of infinite variety and
beauty is full of such marvels that the Bible explains as
displays of the glory of its Creator.  The Bible also says that
such evidences will condemn the God rejecters who would not
acknowledge Him (Romans 1:20).  Man was created to honor, praise,
thank and serve His Maker.  We are born with a fallen selfish
nature out of line with that purpose. Yet God in love works a
plan of salvation to redeem us.  That is the purpose of the
ongoing drama of human history -- God's redeeming and separating
from each generation a people who will be His own eternally (1
Peter 2:9-10).  Those who embrace by faith His sent Son (John
1:12).  And they through Christ and the Bible, gain truth about
all things -- from origins to endings (prophecy).

Why are you?  Is that not the ultimate question.  Some people,
even unbelievers, still ask it.  

In a recent science fiction movie of space travel, the astronauts
discovered a star and planet and moon peopled by humans similar
to us, though more advanced.  In the fantasy, it was proposed
that these humanoids were the gods who had started life on our
earth.  I appreciated that in the end, one of the main actors
reasoned and asked,

     "but who made them?"  

Indeed.  I hope you are asking such questions -- and will turn to
the Bible which has the answer.  


"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT

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