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VK4TUB > QNEWS    09.11.17 13:18l 1198 Lines 42192 Bytes #999 (0) @ VKNET
BID : 10073_VK4TUB
Subj: Townsville Amateur Radio Club Weekly Digest 091117
Sent: 171109/0942Z @:VK4TUB.#NQ.QLD.AUS.OC #:10073 [Townsville] $:10073_VK4TUB

News from the North
from 5th November 2017
sent to undisclosed recipients

- News from Central Queensland
- News from North Queensland
- News from the Naughty Lad
- Buy Swap and Sell and Australias Most Wanted
- Regional Communications Support Events
- TARC Services
- Regional  Activities
- Holiday planning
- Regional Nets
- D-Star Nets
- VK4 Shires Net
- ROTA Recipes On The Air 
- North Queensland Internet Gateways
- HTTP references
- WIANews sources
- NQ HF Propagation
- NEWS Net Callbacks

News from Central Queensland

- You are invited to a major event in Rockhampton during November 2017
You are invited to the Rockhampton Amateur Radio Annual Dinner,
sponsored by the Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club Inc (RADAR)
starting at 6-30pm on Saturday  25th November 2017 at the Frenchville Sports
Clifton Street North Rockhampton.
You are invited to attend this  premier event on the Amateur Radio calendar,
annual  dinner with  Amateur Radio  enthusiasts, family  andannual  dinner with  Amateur Radio  enthusiasts, family  and friends.  Enjoy
social banter
along witha great Buffet meal.
Don't forget to bring a small  wrapped item for the surprise auction (approx
$5 value).
Children will receive small gifts. There is a monster raffle as well as the
astonishing surprise  auction (there  are many  fine items presented for you
to choose
frome and  take home  frome the  raffle and  auction.) There  will also be a
radio raffle
with a dual band hand held as the prize.
Cost -  $25 for  adults, $15  for children  under 14  years of age, children
under 4 years
of age free.
The feed  includes buffet  dinner, large  bowl of  punch, the  room hire and
bar person who will sell you drinkies.
Please  RSVP ASAP  to event  organiser Clive/VK4ACC,  on mobile  0429632815,
after hours 07 49271216
on  email  [qrm] vk4ac  [at]  bigpond [dot]  com  [qrm] or  contact  a RADAR
committee member
(making sure to remove the countermeasures first)

- Clairview Gathering 
The Clairview GathThe Clairview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet
at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk
radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown
Saturday Night Mega-Auction. There might even be some fox-hunting and
there will definitely be RAFFLES ! 
The Gathering is one of the main revenue raisers for the 
Rockhampton and District Amateur Radio Club Inc and
Mackay Amateur Radio Association.

It happens in 2018 from 
Friday arvo 4th May to Monday morn 7th May.
Those who are keen to chill out completely in one of the most relaxing
and laid back venues in the cosmos arrive earlier and stay later.

Check out the Mackay ARS website at

To book your camping spot contact the BarraCrab Caravan Park Clairview
or on 07 49560190

you also need to let Neil/VK4NB know about your catering numbers for 
the Saturday Night feed-up. Let him know now on email
[qrm] vk4wim [at] outlook [dot] com [dot[qrm] vk4wim [at] outlook [dot] com [dot] au [qrm]
[making sure to release the countermeasures first]  .

Plan Ahead
2019 Friday arvo  3rd May to Monday morn 6th May
2020 Friday arvo  1st May to Monday morn 4th May
2021 Friday arvo 30th Apr to Monday morn 3rd May

- Central Highlands ARC AGM Weekend
The famous and popular Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club AGM weekend 
will be  happening at  Lake Maraboon  Holiday Village, approx 25km southwest
of Emerald,
from 2pm Friday 21st to 10am Sunday 23rd September 2018.
Some hams and  support crews will  be staying a  bit earlier or later at the
fabulous lakeside
venue renown for a great  climate, friendly management and buckets o redclaw
for the catching.
The venue is  just down the  road from the  impressive Fairbairn Dam and the
local model aircraft
flight centre.
There will be  great chances to  catch up with  hams and support  crews from
all over the country
who  attend to  get involved  the only  fundraising activity  CHARC  has  to
finance the licencing,
maintenance and expansion of  the Central Highlands Linked  Repeater System,
analogue, digital and APRS.
Experience the raffles, the famous  Money Board, gastronomic feed ups  (with
dessert) and the Mega-Auction 
held in the huge camp kitchen shelter.
Make sure you bring treasure to  the Auction and if possible also  include a
mysteriously wrapped item
for the Mystery part of the auction.
Get cracking and get your accommodation booking in now.
Visit  on the interweb
or phone the friendly reception people on 07 49823677
and for catering purposes before Monday 17th September you should have let 
CHARC Events Co-ordinator Helen/VK4FHEL know you are attending on
email [qrm] vk4wch [at] outlook [dot] com [dot] au [qrm]
by sms on 0412038033
(being sure to release the counter-measures first)

- News from North Queensland

- TARC Project Night this Tuesday
This Tuesday November 14th the TARC Project Night will be happening
at the Club Rooms atop SES HQ Green Street West End at the Club Rooms atop SES HQ Green Street West End from
7-30pm. Come along and help or learn about many fascinating aspects
of technology, and how to say Whooppee! when all goes good.
All welcome !

- theTARCinc Annual General Meeting 2016
The Annual General Meeting of The Townsville Amateur Radio Club will be
happening on Sunday November 19th 2017.
Whoop-de-doo you say - but wait, what is that delicious smell you can
detect from the future ?
Thats what it is !
The event is starting with a pancake breakfast from 7am to 8-30am 
with the goop made from Lex's secret receipe, slightly modified by
Rob/VK4RB  and   then  slightly   further  modified   and  put  together  by
and cooked up by the Iron Faraday Cage Chef Snow/VK4ME. Yummmie !
After the sumptuous pancake feast the nuts and bolts of the 
Annual General Meeting will take place.
Where do you go to ?
Area 2 - Rossiter Park Aitkenvale via Kimball Street of course !
(if we are fortunate to have rain that day then the AGM venue will
shift to thshift to the Club Rooms in Green Street West End)

AGM  Agenda  and  Proxy  Forms  published  in  September  and  October  2017
with Proxy Forms also available online at under 
documents - essential items section.

Written nominations for positions needed  to be tendered no later  than 17th
October 2017
as these need to be displayed in  the Club Rooms no less than a  month prior
to the AGM.

Please  advise  attendance  numbers no  later  than  Tuesday  14th  November
Project Night 
for catering purposes  - else you  will go hungry  and your pancake  craving
will not
cease !

Eating so far - ZZ, ZM, ME, AAH, FNQA and Roslyn,
PAL, IGM, PQ, TJS, HSV, FNQT and Phillippa, LU, TUB, FUDO,

this  raving  plug  issued  by   -  Gavin  Reibelt  VK4ZZ,  Secretary  2017,

- theTARCinc 2017 Xmas Party
theTARCinc 2017 Christmas Party and Monster Auction
happens on Sunday afternoon December 10th from 2-00pm
at the VK4ME Antenna Farm.
From 2-30pm the Monster Auction will geFrom 2-30pm the Monster Auction will get underway.
From 4-30pm the BBQ (funded by TARC) will light up.
During cooking the Mystery XMAS Pressie auction will take place
so make sure you bring a suitably wrapped pressie for this fun event.
Bring your eskys full of drink (no glass please), your comfy camp chairs, 
your cozzies if  you want to  go for a  swim, some treasure  for the Monster
lots of small change for  your Monster Auction and Pressie Auction purchases
and your appetites - 
A call for catering numbers is now underway. Make sure you get your
numbers in to Gavin VK4ZZ otherwise you will go hungry !
Contact Gavin on 0427182469 or on 07 47791161 soonest.
In the list so far -
ZZ, ZM, Shazza  and Mum and  ME, FRJG, MSS  and Marion, FNQA and Roslyn, MSS
and Marion, PAL and IGM, 
CWM and Kerrie, BWN and Judy, AAH  and Kaye, RO, AYR, YWG and Cate,  PQ, TUB
and Jennine,
Jan and Mum and HSV, 

- TARC Monster Xmas Lights Tour
Get out your  Santa Hats, flashy  pins and Christmas  Costumes and get rGet out your  Santa Hats, flashy  pins and Christmas  Costumes and get ready
for a
magical mystery tour of the light fantastic !
The famous TARC Monster Xmas Lights  Tour  is  on  again,  happening  Friday
evening December 15th.
Its  a  Drive  Yourself  Dazzling  Spectacular and all mobile shack chariots
will need
to  monitor  146.5MHz  during  the  tour to hear instructions from the guide
If you do not have a 2metre  transceiver in your vehicle - don't worry  as a
will be lent to you.
The Tour will start from >a  place in Townsville<, gathering by 7pm and then
leaving when 
it is dark enough.
Be sure to  pack an esky  with plenty of  cool water and cool bananas as the
tour will be 
happening in a dehydrating climate!
MXLT organiser  Gavin VK4ZZ,  with help  from stage  surveyors, is currently
a way around the City of Townsville (protected by the Powerpuff Girls).
Are you a  local HAM putting  on a light  spectacular ? Have  you spotted an
outstanding display ?
Let  Gavin know  theLet  Gavin know  the suburb  and street  name so  that the  display  can  be
included in the tour.
The tour should end by 10pm at a secret destination.
Contact Gavin VK4ZZ on mobile 0427 182469 or
email [qrm] vk4zz [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au [qrm]

- TARC Australia Day Long Week Family Radio Camp
Happening  from Thursday  afternoon 25th  to Sunday  afternoon 28th  January
2018 at : 
Girl Guides Association of Queensland Campsite and Training Centre, 
46-56 Toolakea Beach Road, Bluewater.

AX4WIT will be on-air from the camp to provide directions and contact. 
Assessors on site for exams and tutoring.

Activities will include:
Cooking of the dampers and other bush recipes 
(bring  your camp  oven or  use the  comprehensive kitchen  facilities  plus
your favourite recipes and ingredients),
Raising of the Flag 
(and try to remember all the words to the National Anthem),
Throwing of the Infernal Thong (release that pent up stress!)
Swimming (bring  yer cozzies  and inflatables  for swimming in the BlSwimming (bring  yer cozzies  and inflatables  for swimming in the Bluewater
Portable demonstrations of computer-based radio comms, antenna work,
Bushwalking along the well marked trekking trails.
plus much, much more.
Don't get the wrong idea though,  this long weekend will be a  VERY relaxing
one - 
and its an all-weather event !

Cost of a  powered camp site  or a bed  in Bluewater House is $14 per person
per night. 
Day visitors pay $7 per person.
The Leaders Room has up for grabs.
You need  to supply  your own  condiments such  as salt  and pepper and also
your own washing up detergent and tea towels. 
For those  also using  the Bluewater  House accommodation  you need to bring
own pillow and linen.

Attending for the long week so far -
ZM, ZZ, FRJG, ME and Shazza, MSS and Marion, FJMP and DA, 
Day Trippers

Need more info ? Then call og VK4ZZ on 0427182469
or email [qrm] vk4zz [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au

Plan ahead
2019 Thur  24th to Monday 28th January
2020 Thur  23rd to Monday 2020 Thur  23rd to Monday 27th January

- TARC Communications Support

There is a full programme of  Communications Support events that you can get
involved with
and have some radio fun !
If you can help out please contact og/VK4ZZ on 0427182469 or on the radio

Fri 30  March to  Mon 2  April -  WRERA Euri  Gold Farms  Easter Carnival of
Horse Endurance Rides - Bowen Region
Fri  8  to   Sun  10  June   -  WRERA  Euri   Gold  Farms  Tropical   Winter
Endurance Rides - Bowen Region
Sat 30  June and  Sun 1  July -  Kennedy Region  Scouts Nighthawk activity -
Townsville Region

Some more details of these events -

Whitsunday Region Endurance Riders  Association Inc Euri Gold Farm Endurance
All the rides  happen on the  verdant slopes of  Euri Gold Farm, just out of
north of Bowen North Queensland.
You are able   will mainly  run  into  the
Your chance  Your chance  to get  out into  some lovely  countryside, set  up camp with a
portable station
or three and communicate in a  relaxing fashion as the horsies and riders go
by, day and night.
Hey Mackay and Bowen horsie operators - you can join in the fun too !
Canteen, hot water, bbq din din  plus brekkie and mod cons available at Ride
Fri 30th March to Mon 2nd April  - WRERA Euri Gold Farms Easter Carnival  of
Horse Endurance Rides
Operators so far - VK4ZZ, VK4ZM, many more needed

TCAC King Of The Hill Hillclimb on the Mount Stuart Road.
A  chance to  get out  in the  field and  mix your  radio  with  high  speed
organized autosports. 
Operators needed to man the Start  and Flying Finish positions on the  Mount
Stuart Road. 
Safety  and Time  Control communications  and your  chance  to  get  a  CAMS
Officials Licence. 
7-30am start, free food at lunchtime, finish by 3-30pm

Kennedy Region Scouts Nighthawk activity.
Your  chance to  make a  real difference  and show  the youth  of today  how
AAmateur Radio can  be. Teams tracking  and a chance  to set up portable at a
you  would  not  normally  go  to. Arrive  at  Nighthawk  HQ  around  3pm on
then  go to  your checkpoint  for a  night of  easy operating  in the  field
tracking the progress 
of Nighthawk teams, with some  in-flight entertainment as you observe  youth
members try to impress 
the Scout Leader judges with finesse in their activity.
Sat 31 June and Sun 1  July 2018 - Kennedy Region Scouts  Nighthawk activity
- Oak Valley.
Operators so far - VK4ZZ, VK4ZM, 

- Cardwell Gathering October Long Weekend
The Cardwell Gathering will be  taking place from Friday afternoon September
28th to
Monday  morning October  1st 2018  at the  Cardwell  Beachcomber  Motel  and
Tourist Park.
This  is a  call to  all Hams  and support  crews and  anyone interested  in
taking up
the hobby of Amateur Radio to spend a long weekend in paradise
- meeting up with friends
- swap ideas
- catch up on new techniques
- build a new thingie
- cook - cook up a masterpiece
- socialise
- engage in extreme loafing (a lost art form)
- visit the local attractions such as 
   the Rainforest to Reef Info Centre
   Telegraph Museum
   nice cafes and restaurants
   the Jetty to view dugongs, turtles or Bruiser the Croc
   Coral Sea Memorial Park
   Forest Drive, Cardwell Lookout or the more challenging Dalrymple Gap
   Girringun Cultural Centre
- kill a fish or two
- mangle a Jesse's Famous Pie or three
- visit the Saturday Morning Markets at the Coral Sea Memorial Park
- engage in some group games for young and old
- do glorious battle in the famous North Vs South cricket match
- bend your mind to the fullest at Shazza's Trivia Challenge
- recycle some treasure at the famous Monster Auction.

The  Cardwell  Beachcomber  Motel  and Tourist  Park  has  a  wide range  of
choices from luxury ocean view villas, executive and standard motel rooms, 
poolside cabins, powered and unpowered  sites that can take from the biggest
down to the smallest swagdown to the smallest swag. Some people  are lucky enough to say a bit before
or a
bit after the event to take in  some extended tours of the region or  engage
in even
more extreme loafing in paradise.
Find out more about the facilities and accommodation
options by surfing to
You can also contact the venue on telephone 07-40668550.
The TARC Communications Van and Mop's Big Tent will be set up 
on Sites 71 and 68, with Site 71 sheltered for your comfort.
Hope to see you at Cardwell beside the Sea.

Camping and Caravan accommodation for that long weekend is in high demand !
So avoid disapointment and book now !
More information at

Make sure you bring your comfy chairs !

Plan ahead
2019 Fri  4th October to Monday 7th October
2020 Fri  2nd October to Monday 5th October
2021 Fri  1st October to Monday 4th October


News from the Naughty Lad
- Noels Nutty Campers
Noel Noel VK4NL has been organising the famous and popular
Noels Nutty Campers weekends away for many years.

Interested in heading along to one of these funtastic weekends ?
Contact Noel via email
[qrm] vk4nlnoel [at] gmail [dot] com [qrm]
look at him on the web at
on on the mobily 0413958216
to find out more !
[making sure to release the countermeasures first]

Part 2 - Whispers On The Ether
- nil this week


- Buy Swap and Sell and Wanted
Note - there has been an increase in operators discussing buying and
selling of equipment on Amateur Radio Frequencies.
This is being done by operators holding any class of licence.
You need to know this is a breach of Australian Law.
Haggle, Discuss or Bargain face to face, or on the telephone.
Be Responsible ! Now - onto the bargains !

- Radio Shack Clearance of the late Ian Rhodes/VK4IMR
Kerry/VK4TUB is handling the sale of the estate of Ian/VK4IMR SK.
Equipment is listed in no special order however the ham radio equipment and
computer  equipment  have  been grouped  together.  Please  note  that  some
has already been sold and is duly noted.

Ham Radio Equipment -
1 only Nagoya mini mobile magnetic mount 2m/70cm antenna $5
1 only Comet CHA 250/BX 3-57mhz  HF  verticle  whip  antenna  complete  with
instructions and measurements $100
1 only Nagoya RB66 trunk Lip mount antenna base black adjustable $5
1 only home brew 80/40 meter Dipole antenna with traps and Balun $25
1 only Commercial True Talk Antenna 80-6 meter wire antenna complete with
   ladder line and coax cable feeder new never used.$150
1 only Powertech  20 amp continious  power supply (Not  Switch Mode) in very
new condition $100
2 only  Electrophone PSA  1210 power  supplies 10 amp regulat2 only  Electrophone PSA  1210 power  supplies 10 amp regulated power Supply
(Not Switch Mode) both untested $25 each
1 only electrophone  10 amp DC  power supply old  but in good condition (Not
Switch Mode) $25
2 only USB Motion tracking Web Cam Cameras not used still in boxes $20 each
1 only  Magnetic base  andtenna mount  complete with  coax cable and antenna
Kimota model AZ849VU dual band 2/70cm $20
2  only Icom  IC730 HF  Amateur radio  trancievers Parts  Only  with  sevice
manual and microphones $20
1 only  Icom IC735  HF Amateur  radio tranciever  unknown state  PA has been
removed but still in box $20
2 Larsen  900mhz mobile  1/4 wave  antennas with  base and  lead assembly $5
1 only  Yaesu FT  817ND new  in box  never used  and complete  with purchase
receipt  $700 (Sold to VK4TCA)
1 only Coffee Can Dumby Load no transformer oil $20
1 only Cable Signal tracer in case $5
1 only Solar Panel Regulator 20amp new in box never used $20
1 only RS Components Seaward oscilator signal injector working in 1 only RS Components Seaward oscilator signal injector working in case $25
1 only Revex VHF/UHF Power Peak  PEP/ average power reading SWR meter  Model
         140-525mhz with instructions as new in box $100
1 only 1 only Nagoya UT106VU mini mag base antenna new in packaging $10
1 only Zaster 10 watt Chinese¶  Dual Band ham radio $30¶  Sold VK4TUB
1 only Dick Smith Oscilloscope 10mhz  in  as  new  condition  complete  with
probe and power cord testing and working well $30
1 only VHF/UHF Antenna analyzer  built from a kit working perfectly (brought
along to show and tell) $85
1 only DT902SA Large Digit multimeter in good condtion $30
2 only Revex L20 DC-500mhz 15  watt/100watt peak Dummy Loads PL259 Plug  $15
10 only new N crimp male plugs unused $10 the lot
1 only WARS Power pole kit new unbuilt in bag $15
1 only Vicom SWR/Power meter in as new condition 3.5-150mhz $30
1 only QRP HF MOS FET Linear Amp Kit un built in bag approx 50 watts $25
1  only Baofeng  Dual band  hand held  radio  complete  1  only Baofeng  Dual band  hand held  radio  complete  with  book  chargers
speaker mic andearphone mic $25
1  only  Baofeng Dual  band  hand held  radio  with damaged  charger  and no
accessories $10 (Sold to VK4TUB)
1 only Weller 35 watt soldering station working condition $15
1 only Scope Soldering Iron 25 watt stand alone $10
2 only Nagoya mini mag base mount vhf/uhf whips $5 each
1  only  BITX40  40  meter tranciever  kit  complete  with  Arduino DDS  VFO
unfinshed but complete in original packaging $50
1 only GME Electrophone TX3620 Commercial UHF Radio 400-480mhz $25
1 only Motorola GM3188 25 watt  Commercial VHF radio with bracket and  power
cord $30
1 only Tenma Digital clamp AC/DC multi meter $25
1 only 1-100mhz spectrum probe $5:00
1 only RFI Connector/Adaptor kit complete $80
1 only MFJ Versa-Tuner MK2 model MFJ-941E brand new condition not used $150

PC Gear
1 only 24 port D Link Switch T base 100 $10
1 only Large Box of Wallwarts and Laptop Power Supplies $10
1 only USB 4 port Hub $5
3 only USB3 only USB Keyboard $5 each
3 only USB mice $2 each
2 only 550 watt PC power supplies $10 each
1 only Netcom Liberty Series 3G wireless N150 Router $25
5 only 4 port Switches 100/1000 Net Gear $10 each
1 only Cat 5 cable tester in case $5
Assorted Krone Tools and Cat 5 crimper $10 the lot

1 only 2.4GHz Radio Controlled Helicopter Digitech Brand $20
1 only  Duratech (Demmel  Motor Tool)  new in  box complete with attachments

Contact Kerry/VK4TUB on email
[qrm] kermck [at] gmail [dot] com [qrm]
to find out more - score a purchase or arrange pickup from the VK4TUB QTH.
[ making sure to release the countermeasures first ]


- Jason has some neat callsign stickers available
Want a classy professional decal of your callsign for your car, boat,
bike,  snowmobile,   spacecraft,  aircraft,   deep  sea   diving  vessel  or
subterranean borer ?
Jason/VK4OT has available large  and small lettering callsign  decals custom
made for you.
They cost $15 each.
Contact Jason on [qrm] vk4ot [at] iinet [dot] net [dContact Jason on [qrm] vk4ot [at] iinet [dot] net [dot] au [qrm] 
or on phone 07 44039504 to find out more,
ensuring to disengage the countermeasures first.


-  Regional Communications Support Events

Atherton Tablelands Region
Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club Inc.
- Co-ordinator Dale McCarthy VK4DMC 0407962700

Sat 21 to Sun 22 April - Kuranda 20/40/80 Endurance Rides Tepon
Sat 26 to Sun 27 May - Brooklyn 20/40/80 Endurance Rides Tepon
Tue 26  June to  Mon Jul  2 -  Pioneer Trek 400/200/100/5x20/5x40/5x40/3kids
Endurance Rides Tepon
Sat 28 to Sun 29 July - Shiralee 80/40/20 Endurance Rides Tepon

Townsville Region
The Townsville Amateur Radio Club Inc.
- Co-ordinator Gavin "Og" Reibelt VK4ZZ 0427182469

Thur  29 March  to Mon  2 April  - WRERA  Euri Gold  Farms Easter  Endurance
Carnival 160/2x80/3x40/3x20/Harness - Bowen Region
Fri  8  to   Sun  10  June   -  WRERA  Euri   Gold  Farms  Tropical   Winter
80/2x40/2x20/H80/2x40/2x20/Harness Endurance Rides - Bowen Region
Sat 30  June to  Sun 1  July -  Kennedy Region  Scouts Nighthawk  activity -
Townsville Region

Mackay Region
Mackay Amateur Radio Association Inc
- Co-ordinator Gary Crothers VK4CUZ 0410462892

Sat 11 to Sun 12 November - Breakaway Education Weekend
Sat  3 to Sun  4 March - Combined CQ Clubs Education Weekend
Sat 24 to Sun 25 March - Denison Creek 80/60E/40/2x20 Endurance Rides
Sat 28 to Sun 29 April - Breakaway 40/80 Endurance Rides Koumala
Sat 28 to SUN 29  July - Greg Willoughby Memorial 100E/60E/40/2x20 Endurance
Rides Denison Creek

Want to help out ? Contact the  co-ordinator in your region and join in  the
fun !

- TARC Services

- Book Book Book !
WIA Foundation Licence Manuals 2nd Edition
$20 per copy in Townsville
See Gavin VK4ZZ to obtain yours !

- TARC WIA Exams Information
Exam sessions in the North Queensland
region are held on demand with WIA Assessors
and assessment packs available for all 3
levels of licensing.
Contact theTARContact theTARCinc Assessment Co-ordinator Roger/VK4CD
on mobile 0417 638366 or on email
[qrm] vk4cd [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au [qrm]
to have a mutually suitable date and
WIA Assessors assigned to your assessment.
[remember to remove the countermeasures first]

Further information also available at
theTARCinc website ...

- contacting theTARCinc
email address [qrm] vk4wit [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au [qrm]
phone contact 07-47234351
aprs short message protocol to VK4ZZ
snailmail po box 333 Garbutt East, QLD 4814
Facebook - search on Townsville Amateur Radio Club
homepage  -  home of The Stink and Family !

Want to help add or correct something in this Dispatch ?
contact the bleary og VK4ZZ by dropping a line to
[qrm] vk4zz [at] wia [dot] org [dot] au [qrm]

- Regional  Activities:

- TARC Project Night - Tue 14th  November from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC Annual General Meeting  - Sun 19th November Rossiter  Park Aitkenvale
from 7am
-  TARC Social  Evening -  Tue 21st  November from  7-30pm at  SES HQ  Green
Street West End
- Rockhampton  Amateur Radio  Annual Dinner  - Sat 25th November from 6-30pm
at Frenchville Sports Club
-  Ann  Renton Memorial  Net  Tue 28th  November  from 7-30pm  on  Tsvl  UHF

- TARC Management  Meeting - Tue  5th December from  7-30pm at SES  HQ Green
Street West End
- TARC Xmas Party - Sun 10th December from 2pm
- TARC Project Night - Tue 12th  December from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC Does the Xmas Lights Tour - Fri 15th December from 7pm
-  TARC Social  Evening -  Tue 19th  December from  7-30pm at  SES HQ  Green
Street West End
- Ann  Renton Memorial  Net Tue  26th November  - Boxing  Day Edition - from
7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater

- TARC Club Meeting Recess until February 2018
- Ann Renton Memorial Net 23rd Jan from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater
- Australia Day  Long Week Family  Radio Camp -  Thurs arvo 25th to Sun arvo
28th Jan - Girl Guides Training Centre Bluew28th Jan - Girl Guides Training Centre Bluewater
- Tech On The Air Net Tue 30th January from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

- TARC Management  Meeting - Tue  6th February from  7-30pm at SES  HQ Green
Street West End
- TARC Project Night - Tue 13th  February from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- Defence Welcome to Townsville Expo -  Sat 17th February 10am to 1pm at RSL
Stadium Murray
-  TARC Social  Evening -  Tue 20th  February from  7-30pm at  SES HQ  Green
Street West End
-  Ann  Renton Memorial  Net  Tue 27th  February  from 7-30pm  on  Tsvl  UHF

-  TARC Management  Meeting -  Tue 6th  March from  7-30pm at  SES HQ  Green
Street West End
- TARC Project  Night - Tue  13th March from  7-30pm at SES  HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC  does the  John Moyle  Memorial Field  Day March  16 17 18 - Burdekin
Duck Camp Grounds Selheim
- TARC Social  Evening - Tue  20th March from  7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Net Tue 27th March from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Rep- Ann Renton Memorial Net Tue 27th March from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater
- WRERA Euri  Gold Farm Easter  Carnival of Horse  Endurance Rides -  Fri 30
March to Mon 2 April

-  TARC Management  Meeting -  Tue 3rd  April from  7-30pm at  SES HQ  Green
Street West End
- TARC Project  Night - Tue  11th April from  7-30pm at SES  HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC Social  Evening - Tue  17th April from  7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Net Tue 24th April from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater
- AM and CW on ANZAC Day - Wednesday 25th April

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 1st  May from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green  Street
West End
-  MARS/RADAR Clairview  Gathering -  Fri 4th  to Mon  7th May  -  BarraCrab
Resort Clairview
- TARC Project Night - Tue 8th  May from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green  Street West
- TARC  Social Evening  - Tue  15th May  from 7-30pm  at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Net Tue 22nd May from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater
- Tech On The Air Net Tue 29th May- Tech On The Air Net Tue 29th May from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 5th  June from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- Queensland Day - Wed 6th June
- TARC  Project Night  - Tue  12th June  from 7-30pm  at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC Social  Evening - Tue  19th June from  7-30pm at SES  HQ Green Street
West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Net Tue 26th June from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater
- Kennedy Region Scouts Nighthawk activity  - Sat 30th June to Sun  1st July
- Oak Valley

- TARC Management Meeting - Tue 3rd  July from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC  Project Night  - Tue  10th July  from 7-30pm  at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC Social  Evening - Tue  17th July from  7-30pm at SES  HQ Green Street
West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Net Tue 24th July from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater
- Tech On The Air Net Tue 31st July from 7-30pm on Tsvl VHF Repeater

- TARC  Management Meeting  - Tue  7th August  from 7-30pm  at SES  HQ Green
StreetStreet West End
- TARC Project  Night - Tue  14th August from  7-30pm at SES HQ Green Street
West End
- TARC Social Evening - Tue 21st  August from 7-30pm at SES HQ Green  Street
West End
- Ann Renton Memorial Net Tue 28th August from 7-30pm on Tsvl UHF Repeater

- CHARC AGM Weekend - Fri arvo  21 to Sun morn 23 September -  Lake Maraboon
Holiday Resort near Emerald
- Cardwell Gathering  - Fri 28th  September to Mon  morn 1st October  2018 -
Beachcomber Resort Cardwell

- Holiday planning
State Public Holidays in North Queensland

Mon 25th Dec - Christmas Day Holiday
Tue 26th Dec - Boxing Day Holiday

Mon  1st Jan - New Years Day Holiday
Fri 26th Jan - Australia Day Holiday
Fri 30th Mar - Good Friday Holiday
Sat 31st Mar - Easter Saturday Holiday
Sun  1st Apr - Easter Sunday Holiday
Mon  2nd Apr - Easter Monday Holiday
Wed 25th Apr - ANZAC Day Holiday
Mon  7th May - Labour Day Holiday
Mon  1st Oct - Queens Birthday Holiday
Tue 25th Dec - Christmas Day Holiday
Wed 26th Dec - Boxing Day Wed 26th Dec - Boxing Day Holiday

Tue  1st Jan - New Years Day Holiday
Mon 28th Jan - Australia Day Holiday
Fri 19th Apr - Good Friday Holiday
Sat 20th Apr - Easter Saturday Holiday
Sun 21st Apr - Easter Sunday Holiday
Mon 22nd Apr - Easter Monday Holiday
Thur 25th Apr - ANZAC Day Holiday
Mon  6th May - Labour Day Holiday
Mon  7th Oct - Queens Birthday Holiday
Wed 25th Dec - Christmas Day Holiday
Thur 26th Dec - Boxing Day Holiday

Wed  1st Jan - New Years Day Holiday
Sun 12th Apr - Easter Sunday Holiday
Mon 13th Apr - Easter Monday Holiday
Sat 25th Apr - ANZAC Day Holiday
Mon  4th May - Labour Day Holiday
Mon  5th Oct - Queens Birthday Holiday
Fri 25th Dec - Christmas Day Holiday
Sat 26th Dec - Boxing Day
Mon 28th Dec - Boxing Day Holiday

Fri  1st Jan - New Years Day Holiday
Tue 26th Jan - Australia Day Holiday
Fri  2nd Apr - Good Friday Holiday
Sat  3rd Apr - Easter Saturday HolidaSat  3rd Apr - Easter Saturday Holiday
Sun  4th Apr - Easter Sunday Holiday
Mon  5th Apr - Easter Monday Holiday
Sun 25th Apr - ANZAC Day Holiday
Mon  3rd May - Labour Day Holiday
Mon  4th Oct - Queens Birthday Holiday
Sat 25th Dec - Christmas Day
Sun 26th Dec - Boxing Day
Mon 27th Dec - Christmas Day Holiday
Tue 28th Dec - Boxing Day Holiday

Source - QLD Government Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Public Holidays -
see also listing for Special Holidays.
Show Holidays -
Special Holidays -

- Holiday planning
Queensland School Terms and mandated Student Free Days

Term 4 - Tue  3rd Oct to Fri 8th Dec

Term 1 - Mon 22nd Jan to Thu 29th Mar
Term 2 - Tue 17th Apr to Fri 29th June
Term 3 - Mon 16th July to Fri 21st Sept
Term 4 - Mon  8th Oct to Fri 14th Dec
Student Free Day - Mon 22nd Oct

Term 1 - Tue 29th Jan to Fri 5Term 1 - Tue 29th Jan to Fri 5th Apr
Term 2 - Tue 23rd Apr to Fri 28th June
Term 3 - Mon 15th July to Fri 20th Sept
Term 4 - Tue  8th Oct to Fri 13th Dec
Student Free Day - Mon 21st Oct

Term 1 - Tue 28th Jan to Fri 3rd Apr
Term 2 - Mon 20th Apr to Fri 26th June
Term 3 - Mon 13th July to Fri 18th Sept
Term 4 - Tue  6th Oct to Fri 11th Dec
Student Free Day - Mon 19th Oct

Source - QLD Government Department of Education and Training

- WICEN >> since 1946 << -
- WICEN NQ >> since 1971 << -
- Curly Wind Season is now here, have you checked your shack
  and your antenna to see how they will go during the wet season ?
  Its a  good time  to make  stock up,  charge batteries  and get  ready for
action !

WICEN Queensland holds a net every Sunday on 7075kHz from 8-30am (2230UTC)

The net calls in regular stations and then invites new stations to call in.
If conditions are poor on 7MHz, net control might move to around 3600kHz
dependepending on how pliable the net operators are.
Mix it with other WICEN ops and call in on the net !!

Try also the pre-WICEN net on 20metres
John/VK4LJ Gold Coast conducts the call-in on the
ANZA Net frequency 14183kHz from 08-10am (2210UTC)

3.600, 7.110, 14.300, 18.160 and 21.360 MHz

(Gavin VK4ZZ)

- Regional Nets
Monday Evening - Mackay Club Net - VK4WIM Net Control - 3597kHz from 0930Z
Monday Evening - 160Metre Net -  Gary/VK4BE Net Control from Beachmere QLD -
1848kHz from 0930Z
Tuesday Evening - RADAR Net - VK4WIR Net Control - 3613kHz from 0930Z
Tuesday Evening - Cairns ARC Net - VK4HM Net Control - 3604kHz from 0930Z
Wednesday Evening  - Gold  Coast Net  - VK4WIG  Net Control  - 3605kHz  from
Wednesday Evening - 160Metre Net - Terry/VK4HQ, Mikey/VK4YFL or 
                      Young Noely/VK4NL Net Control  from Fraser Coast QLD -
1848kHz from 0930Z
Thursday Evening  - The  TREC Memorial  Net -  VK4WAT Net  Control - 3605kHz
from 0930Z
Thursday Evening -Thursday Evening -  Sunshine Coast Net  - VK4WIS Net  Control - 3660kHz from
Thursday Evening - Hervey Bay Net - VK4CHB Net Control - 3615kHz from 0730Z
Friday Evening - Central Highlands Club  Net - VK4WCH Net Control -  3618kHz
from 1000Z
Saturday Evening -  Darling Downs Net  - VK4WID Net  Control - 3650kHz  from
Sunday Morning - WICEN QLD Net - VK4IQ Net Control - 7075kHz from 2230Z
Sunday  Morning  -  Border  Ranges ARC  -  local  VHF  repeaters,  IRLP9558,
echolink VK3JED, from 2230Z
Sunday Evenl the  Morse and Voice you can have for
                        3600kHz 6am or earlier  for the Morse, Voice happens
after the Morse
Every Afternoon -  The Afternoon Net  - Wake up  from your power nap and get
                        On  7120kHz from  4pm (0600Z)  - if  propagation  i                        On  7120kHz from  4pm (0600Z)  - if  propagation  is
poor then try 3567kHz
Every Afternoon -  The Kandos Net  - check your  gear and let  everyone know
you are still active !
                        On 7093kHz from  1630local (0630Z normal, 0530Z DST)
- Tom/VK2KF net control
                        alternate net controllers Peter/VK2QF or Tom/VK4ATH

- D-Star Nets :
Wednesday Evening - Gold Coast ARS  VK4WIG  DV  Dongle  and  Gateway  Access
DCS014 Reflector Port B
from 0930Z

- ANZA DX Net 
Australia, New Zealand and Africa DX Net 
20m, 14.183 MHz, 0515 UTC, daily 
15m, 21.205 MHz, 0415 UTC, Saturday 

The net works on a list operation, say your sign, stand by 
The net runs for about 1 hour, all operators are welcome 
A QSO is brief exchange of call sign and signal report 

Please do not spot the net on clusters or skimmers !
Net Leader - Lindsay/VK3WM 

The ANZA Net needs your skill as net controller 
We offer an opportunity to put something back into ham radio 
Give it a try.
EmailEmail Lindsay on QRM lbrit at activ8 dot net dot au QRM
(making sure to release the countermeasures first)

Net Controllers
20 meter net, 14.183 MHz, 0515UTC
Friday John/VK4LJ  Saturday Morris.ZL1ANF  Sunday Ken/KI6KFB
Monday Col/VK4CC  Tuesday Lindsay/VK3WM  Wednesday Tex/VK1TX
Thursday Lyn/VK4SWE

15 meter net, 21.205 MHz, 0415UTC 
Saturday Tony/VK2RI and Col/VK4CC

- ROTA Recipes On The Air 
The World Wide Recipe Swapping Net 
20m, 14.183MHz, 0630 UTC Mondays 
(or slightly later depending on how long the ANZA Net runs for)
Fun on the air swapping  information about recipes or favourite  ingredients
Listen for the gastronomic cue from Lyn/VK4SWE.

- North Queensland Internet Gateways
H24 = 24 Hour Ops unless offline for maintenance or updates
H8 = 8 Hour Ops - hours of ops defined by operator
HX = indeterminate hours of ops - normally when operator in radio shack
Yaesu Fusion Gateways
- VK4JPA  WIRES-X/Fusion Node  Rangewood NQLD  145.350MHz Analog  Access H24
Room 24105
JARL D-Star Gateways 
- VK4T- VK4TUB D-Star Hi-Power Hotspot Kirwan NQLD 438.900MHz H24
AX-25 APRS 1200Bd Gateways
- VK4BDJ APRS Kirwan NQLD 145.175MHz H24
- VK4ZZ APRS Vincent NQLD 145.175MHz H24
AX-25 Packet 1200Bd Wormholes
- VK4TUB-3 FBBS Kirwan NQLD 145.175MHz H24
Echolink Gateways
- VK4PQ Echolink Kelso NQLD 145.250MHz HX Node 726698

- HTTP references :
theTARCinc Web Site
theTARCinc news page
Townsville APRS info
Townsville APRS info
Online radio courses
Training & Assessment
JOTA                               information                     
Lighthouse Lightship Weekend

- WIANews sources :
Tune North Queensland Net throughout Queensland and PNG
from 7-30pm Sundays on -
HF: 3605.4kHz
and in Townsville/Thuringowa 8pm Sundays on
VHF: 146.100 / 146.VHF: 146.100 / 146.700 MHz
(the VK4RAT 2m repeater)

Tune WIANEWS in North Queensland on Sundays
(with Daylight Savings corrections for NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA) -
HF : from VK7 2200Z 3570 / 7140 / 14130 / 28525kHz
HF : from VK5 2230Z 1843 / 3550 / 7135kHz
HF :  from VK2  2300Z 1845  / 3595/  5425/ 7146  / 10125 / 14170.2 / 18125 /
HF : from VK4 2300Z 1843 / 3605 / 7070 / 7130 / 7190kHz
HF : from VK3 2330Z 3615 / 7158 / 10130kHz
HF : from VK8 2330Z 3555 / 7193 / 10137 / 14337kHz
HF : from VK6 0001Z 7088
HF : from VK6 0100Z 3583 / 7149 / 10125 / 14130 / 29680kHz

6m: from VK7 2200Z 53825kHz FM
6m: from VK5 2230Z 53100kHz AM
6m: Cairns 2300Z 146950kHz FM
2m: from Townsville 2300Z 146700kHz FM
2m: from Mackay 2300Z 147000kHz FM
2m: from Rockhampton 2300Z 146700kHz FM

Timeline for monitoring.
2200Z 3570, 7140, 14130, 28525, 53825kHz
2230Z 1843, 3550, 7135, 28470, 53100kHz
2300Z 1843, 1845, 3595, 3605,  5425, 7070, 7130, 7146, 7190,2300Z 1843, 1845, 3595, 3605,  5425, 7070, 7130, 7146, 7190, 10125, 14170.4,
28320, 52525kHz
2330Z 3555, 3615, 7158, 7193, 10130, 10137, 14337kHz
0001Z 7088
0100Z 3583, 7140, 10120, 14130, 29680, 53800kHz

Frequency List for transceiver memory
1843, 1845,
3550, 3555, 3570, 3583, 3595, 3605, 3615,
7070, 7088, 7130, 7135, 7140, 7146, 7158, 7193
10120, 10125, 10132.8, 10137,
14130, 14170.4, 14337,
28320, 28525, 28537, 29680
52525, 53100, 53800, 53825kHz

Daylight Saving for NSW VIC ACT SA TAS
begins 20170930-1600UTC ends 20180331-1600UTC

- NQ HF Propagation
To all the HF Rebroadcasters...
Keep Up the Excellent Work!!
You are our backup if other sources fail!

This week's reports from John VK4FNQ at Majestic Towers

 1843 0/0 1845 0/0
 3550 0/0 3555 0/0 3570 0/0 3583 0/0 3595 0/0 3605 0/0 3615 0/0
 5425 0/0
 7070 5/9 7.088 2/1# 7130 5/7 7135 5/3 7140 2/1* 7146 5/8 7158 2/1 7193 5/1
10125 3/1 10132.8 4/1 10137 0/0
14130 4/1 (14130 3/1 VK6) 14170 5/2 14337 5/5
28320 0/0 28525 0/0 28537 0/0 29680 0/0
52- VK4WIT 146.700MHz
following the WIA News and QNEWS transmissions
by Peter/VK4PQ at Kelso North Queensland - 20171105 09-00am
Callbacks by Peter/VK4PQ
at Kelso North Queensland - 20171105 09-35am

VK4FTTW Tony at Ayr
VK4IGM Iain and Sheila/VK4PAL at West End
VK4AE Denis and Robyn at Kirwan
VK4FNQT John and Phillippa at Mount Louisa
VK4FRJG Richard at Cranbrook
VK4AAH Bob and Kaye at Mount Low
VK4TJS Tony at Kelso
VK4ZMB Hairy Richard at Mount Louisa
VK4LU Ray and Susan at West End
VK4JPA John and Rhonda at Rangewood
VK4FNQA Matman and Roslyn at Condon
VK4ZZ Gavin and Lyndall/VK4ZM at Vincent
VK4FUDO Udo at The Lakes

VHF Net Callbacks - VK4WIT 146.700MHz
following the North Queensland Net
by Richard/VK4FRJG at Cranbrook North Queensland - 20171105 08-00pm
Callbacks by Richard/VK4FRJG
at Cranbrook North Queensland - 20171105 08-30pm

VK4PQ Peter and Ruth at Kelso
VK4KS Tom at Kirwan
VK4AE Denis and Robyn at Kirwan
VK4TJS Tony at KeVK4TJS Tony at Kelso
VK4ZM Lyndall at Vincent

and fyi - North Queensland Net participants
on 3605.4kHz from 20171105 07-30pm to 08-30pm
Net control Gavin/VK4ZZ operating
VK4WIT from theTARCinc Club Shack at
West End, North Queensland

VK4MCC Colin at Alligator Creek near Mackay
VK4FRJG Richard at Cranbrook
VK4FNQ John at Majestic Towers
VK4CWL Bob at Emerald
VK4MSS Mal and Marion at Charters Towers
VK4FNQA Matman and Roslyn at Condon
VK4AAH Bob and Kaye at Mount Low
VK4TW Rob and Tracey at Gladstone
VK4TJS Tony at Kelso
VK4BEG Russell and Deidre at Lake Eacham
VK4CMW Mike and Kerrie at Bowen

see you at the TARC AGM
and cheers fm Gavin/VK4ZZ

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