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VK4TUB > QNEWS    07.02.21 01:25l 41 Lines 2876 Bytes #999 (0) @ VKNET
BID : 31060_VK4TUB
Subj: ACMA Proposal
Sent: 210207/0010Z @:VK4TUB.#NQ.QLD.AUS.OC #:31060 [Townsville] $:31060_VK4TUB

3 February 2021

Have your say - review of non-assigned amateur regulatory arrangements
The ACMA has reviewed the regulatory arrangements that authorise the operation of non-assigned amateur stations.

This work was part of a broader review that included non-assigned outpost licensing arrangements, as foreshadowed in the Five-year spectrum outlook 2020-24.

The objective of our review is to identify the best licensing mechanism that reduces regulatory burden and minimises costs for licensees, while also preserving the current operational utility for licensees.

We have identified a set of options. We could:

keep the existing apparatus licensing arrangements and conditions
simplify the existing licensing arrangements and conditions
transition non-assigned stations to class licensing arrangements, while retaining apparatus licensing arrangements for assigned stations.
We are now consulting on these options and our preferred approach to authorise the operation of non-assigned amateur stations under a class liceWe are now consulting on these options and our preferred approach to authorise the operation of non-assigned amateur stations under a class licence.

We are also seeking preliminary comments on a proposal to establish an additional kind of accreditation to allow people to become accredited persons to issue frequency assignment certificates for assigned amateur repeater and beacon licences.

The consultation paper and draft class licence are available on our website.

A separate consultation paper and draft instrument relating to outpost licensing is also available. 

We invite comments on the issues discussed in the consultation papers and on the proposed instruments that would implement our preferred class licensing option.

Submissions close on 2 April 2021. 

Making a submission

You can choose either to make a submission by using the `Upload a submission' button on the consultation webpage, or by sending your submission to

If you use either of these to make a submission, yoIf you use either of these to make a submission, you will receive an automatic notification confirming its receipt. Due to the large number of submissions we receive, we do not acknowledge receipt of submissions individually. If you do not receive an automatic reply within 24 hours, please send an email to to let us know, so we can deal with it immediately.

To ensure that all submissions are collected and considered efficiently, please do not send submissions to individual ACMA staff.

Consultation questions

If you have an important question about this consultation, please send it directly to Please note, we may use the Amateur radio update e-bulletin to answer frequently asked questions.

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