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VE3WBZ > RIGHTS   18.03.11 08:02l 65 Lines 2228 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 22317_VA3BAL
Subj: RE:G0TEZ's CCTVs...etc
Sent: 110318/0640Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:22317 [Ballantrae] $:22317_VA3B


DT: Wednesday,March 16th.,2011 @1353hrs EST

Hello Ian, and others reading along....

<< Quoting G0TEZ to RIGHTS @WW >>

> Just one quick answer to your interesting bull: Pete.

  Thanks Ian ... I think we covered in a Skype long-nighter the
CCTV watching you everywhere.    Sorry, but it has gone
too far, and I learnt that yesterday, when I was referred to
Law Enforcement of our town.  What a waste.   I was making a
general complaint, and when I touched on neighbours complaining
on other neighbours to fire, or police, it is sick, and stupid
when they start giving me this rights stuff....when my rights
have been viloated by this complaint, and whoever showing up
at the door.   NOW... when there is a complaint...I have told
them...bring the complainer to me so we can meet, and with
whatever department of rubbish we can assure all that our rights
and doodle-too are observed.

I would wear a covering.   Full face and make a rights group
issue.... as I choose to wear my whatever.... too bad.

> Did I mention that my bus pass has a RFID chip which is scanned
> as I get on the bus and passes details of my age, place of birth,
> identity to....who?
> I just don't know.

 Hmmm...well I see that here too...more at the border with the US.
Feel like I am entering a military complex, but then isn't that
the the Forces of Ben Ladin have and are winning this
after 911.

> 1984 started to happen long before 1984,

  Oh I know.   

> [End of Message #87632 from G0TEZ]

  I think in future, all newborns will be surgerical implanted
with ID chips, and I guess a cellphone ... and they can wear
glases for their computer screen linked to the implants...
yeah...just like the BORG....

   Thanks Ina ...  I remember vets in the US, telling their
sons... hang on to the guns when you get home... you'll need

   Sooner or later... a revolution is coming... a revision
for the US Constitution and Magna Carta ,,, as they all only
represent wealthy people and have done zero for the average
citizen..joe public... working man... wage earner...unionlist.

   Right is Might ....
                         73 Pete VE3WBZ

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