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VE3WBZ > RIGHTS   19.03.11 18:03l 66 Lines 2442 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 22505_VA3BAL
Subj: RE:KB2VXA on history...etc :)
Sent: 110319/1657Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:22505 [Ballantrae] $:22505_VA3B


DT: Saturday,March 19th.,2011 @1028hrs EST

Hi Warren and Ian, and all ...

I liked your comments on the History Channel, and take note as well
all the sources they use to make it thee best.   Yes to it being
covered in depth and detail, never done so well before.

I read Sir Winston's Churchill's book ...
 " History of the English Speaking Peoples" ., As well got the well
illustrated magzine series of the same title, years ago and it
I think encouraged shows like BBC "Time Travellers" and their
investigations all over Great Britain .... as Well I enjoy PBS
that is also excellent.  And the canadian TVO for doing the same

The English throne, is the bloodiest throne, and after TVO,PBS
and BBC via the History Channel have their presentations aired
I can see why.

<< Quoting KB2VXA to RIGHTS @WW >>

> Getting to the point, considering the almost comtinual warfare shuffling 
> the population like a deck of cards, today one would be hard pressed to 
> determine his tribal roots. All this was before accurate accounts were 
> kept so trying to go back farther is pretty much an effort in futility. 

 Exactly.  There is so much shifting, back here, over there, and
then there is this melting pot, and where recorded history starts.

> Still one can go back far enough to get a fair idea so Ian's assessment
> of the "native people" would be reasonably accurate. I never knew that 
> "welsh" is an ancient word for stranger but you learn something new every 
> day if you're open to it.

  Their language also is as interesting, as their nationalism.

> I leave you with this thought, Arthur was a real historical figure of 
> great importance before the legend of Camelot where fantasy takes over 
> from history. We'll just have to keep guessing about Merlin though. (;->)

  I have never found anywhere, where they have really said there was
an Arthur.   There is a Roundtable hanging in UK, but not the orginal
if there ever was, but the idea was born from the myth.

> 73 de Warren
> Message timed by NIST: 15:26 on 2011-Mar-18 GMT
> [End of Message #87905 from KB2VXA]

  Thanks Warren.  I know some will say, this has nothing to do with
rights, but what it does do, is give insight, via history, as to how
rights and laws come to us.   King Alfred is an example.

Perhaps, we should have a HISTORY @WW to carry on ?

73 Pete VE3WBZ

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