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VE3WBZ > SCAM     20.11.08 18:16l 96 Lines 4082 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 4106_VA3BAL
Subj: SCAMMING !!!!
Sent: 081120/1704Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:4106 [Ballantrae] $:4106_VA3BAL

DT:Thursday,November 20th.,2008 @1137hrs EST
Just got through reading Bob VK6BE's  near scam with the 
" Ask-the-Lawyer" .    Funny thing, that if you type in
asking a lawyer for FREE ...FREE advice of this or that
it always for some reason via all these search engines
gets your into as first choices some place...that is
supposed to be FREE ...but ...oops you need to pay
and thats where I stop, as paing via Internet is
a trip to disaster and grief.
My bank wants me to go online .... hahahaha...good laugh
that very morning, when they had a security breach via
the hackers from the Internet, and people lost money.
<< To overcome this they raised service charges and
    made new unexplained charges to cover this stupidity >>
To date,  I get a number of SCAMS like Bob writes about
some millions of dollars in some country, trying to
get out...and for my help...well I get 10 million  ...hahaha
more like 10 million tears ... the total now is well over
5000 scammers trying this....and they all go to a file
with access by CISA, RCMP and our local YRPD well
other agencys outside this country.
<< This is message will make it's way to the Internet
   NOW they all know they are in some police databank
   somewhere ... >>
The other scam is via the mail with bills for me to pay
which I don't and I get phone calls from collection agencys
who think they can shake some cash outta me.   NO WAY ....
a trip to " ........................" and I see these same
bills being paid by elderly people mostly cause they target
them....and we have stopped that business too!
As for the collection agency...the last one that tried had
my so-called bill go from 50cents to 7dollars then ballooned
from there to 50 dollars,and if I dealed with them I could
reduce it, or .....well that is the best part, as I had one
try the threats .... Didn't work ... since that time NO MORE
heard from these scammers who operate many scams ,same area
of North Toronto, under different names...but lots of their
dead mail in the bins in the local people are getting
the message.
Anyone one, that started on the Internet, I have noted is this
famed PayPal one.    Last time they said I owed them money.
This time the say they owe ME money .... I ignored it and
deleted it.
Last time, when the Paypal came in the email, I got a bill
from the Telephone company with a charge from one of those
calling companys.    Since I didn't know the number , or
anyone in that State of the US Union of states....nope
not mine.   I had also emailed Paypal and they had NO record
of any phone call from me, so when on the phone with the
BELL..I asked that their investigations department contact
the long distance company.     I also called the long distance
company to co-operate and ...well they just told me PAY the
BILL...and hung up .... didn't work I ened up calling them
back a number of times to .....get their manager and investigations
and in the end...even BELL said they couldn't so they were
going to send their bill back to them...all due to them not
co-operating with the investigation.
A .25 cent call .... not mine.... came in a threating form
letter....the usual, and now at 15.00 dollars ...all the fees.
I took them up on it.   I wrote them back with my view and
I would be so happy to see them in court,  as well before
the federal regulator CRTC ....and ....well they went silent.
BUT ...
A few days advert....and they removed a few things
from their advert, which were false , and I had brought to
their attention.
NO I don't use them .... We have a local Toronto Plan.
These SCAMMERS are using the Internet....they use the mail
and they use local businesses in their SCAM for results
so be careful and be alert....and best of all DO NOT
CONNECT your MONEY to the INTERNET.     
I PAY nothing via the Internet or over the phone ...It is
in person or not at all.
All SCAMMERS are reported!    
Thank you Bob for this item ....   73 Peter VE3WBZ

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