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VK6BE  > SORRY    22.02.08 00:43l 35 Lines 1746 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : F62061VK6BE
Subj: Re: G4EBT > National Sorry Day
Sent: 080221/2332Z @:VK2TV.#MNC.NSW.AUS.OC #:32632 [Kempsey, QF68JX] $:F62061VK

Well Warren, most Aussies seem to support Rudd in the Sorry Day issue -
60% at least, but when it comes to compensation I can't see that there
will be much support. Compensation for what? For taking them and educating
them as children? I noticed another long diatribe of chirruping from a
Yorkshire cock sparrow but I didn't read past his first lines, which as
usual consisted of an attack on me. Big deal! His views are irrelevant

The only talk about compensation I have seen so far is from people like
Eggington, the one who insisted on his rights as an indigenous person, to
fish for marron out of season and howled  blue murder because the Wildlife
Officer caught him and fined him for so doing. 

In any case the treatment of the aboriginals in my childhood was
disgraceful. They were non persons amd were totally ignored. However we
have had many years now of special treatment for them, special funds to
try to improve their health and living standards. The big problem has been
alcohol abuse. How can you improve the health of someone who is busy
drinking him-herself to an early death on cheap port? Can you blame the
white population? Partly maybe but when the Howard Government tried to do
something about alcohol abuse and the sexual abuse of children in the NT,
according to some people he was wrong. He should have left them to
continue in that vein? The vocal minority thought so apparently and they
have the loudest voices..
Bob VK6BE.

> ell, with all those crying Ozzies they should have enough water to 
> offset the lack of rain and keep the farmers happy. They won't stop 
> there, don't forget the greenies, they'll be ecstatic and use it to start 
> a campaign.

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