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KB2VXA > SORRY    23.02.08 14:36l 64 Lines 2964 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 32737_VK2TV
Subj: Re: VK2TV > Sorry
Sent: 080223/1325Z @:VK2TV.#MNC.NSW.AUS.OC #:32737 [Kempsey, QF68JX] $:32737_VK

Hi Ray and all,

Out of sincere respect I'm not about arguing so I shall conclude this 
discussion with a few valid (or at least I think so) points. I don't know 
enough fine detail of American History either but enough to make a 
comparison but first  must deny calling the Koorie "lazy good for nothing 

We launched a genocidal campaign against the American Indians the likes 
of which Australia has never seen and until the mid 20th Century denied 
them jobs and fiercely discrimunated against them but do we have a Sorry 

We brought Black slaves to North America and long after the Emancipation 
Proclaimation kept them in virtual slavery denying them the things that 
Whites enjoy and kept them separate in the South (they were integrated in 
the North but still suffered discrimination) and even today the Ku Klux 
Klan and Aryan Nation are alive and well. Do we have a Sorry Day?

The answer is an obvious NO but once we figured out that throwing money 
at them only made the problem worse we passed additional laws after the 
Civil Rights Act and Equal Opportunity In Employment Act that allowed 
these peoples to stand up on their own two feet and become productive 
citizens and more. Even before all this many became prominent in all 
phases of American society, so to paraphrase the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther 
King a man I admire more greatly than you can ever know;


and they did especially once the door was open. Frankly I have no memory 
of a public apology, we know that action speaks louder than words. 
America went through some violent and tumultuous times and I hope 
Australia doesn't follow in our footsteps so rather than stirring the pot 
causing further resentment with senseless politics I suggest you pass 
appropriate legislation to ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR.

I have great respect for Australia and Ozzies, you've certainly earned it 
beginning even before I was born and my Amateur Radio association has 
served to strengthen it. I have great hope for you, especially when it 
comes to doing things right, I just hope most of all this Sorry thing 
doesn't make you the laughing stock of the world by throwing words at the 

One final thought, the Koorie are to Australia what the Indians are to 
the US and frankly the White man blew it. We could learn a LOT from them 
like you said, the browns have so much more on the ball than the greens. 
Perhaps on this thought both of us should switch the color of our 
conservationist flags.

I hope you all better understand my feelings now and lay this baby to 
rest, I'm always in the mood for discussion but never a pointless 
arguement and this whole thing to me is pointless. (Thus spake 
Wazzathustra.) Now where's my frog? Bob, have you seen my frog?

73 de Warren

Station powered by JCP&L atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.

Message timed by NIST: 13:25 on 2008-Feb-23 GMT

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