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VE3WBZ > SP       13.04.11 15:03l 64 Lines 2005 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 25285_VA3BAL
Subj: RE: G4FVG's SB reply..thanks
Sent: 110413/1455Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:25285 [Ballantrae] $:25285_VA3B
To  : SP@WW


DT: Wednesday, April 13th.,2011 @1030hrs EST

Hello Mike G4FVG and all....

"Thank you" Mike for your participation in this.
Later today, I am heading over to WCONV for realtime
consultation with Paul G4APL a sysop and friend in
UK ... you are welcome to join us  on channel 11.

Actually anyone else is welcome too....

<< Quoting G4FVG to SP @WW >>

> From         : G4FVG           To           : SP    @WW
> Type/Status  : B$              Date/Time    : 12-Apr 18:51
> Bid          : 1E0163G4FVG     Message #    : 90771
> Title        : Re: SP check for VE3WBZ

From the path,  I see via VE2PKT and VE3UIL listed, as I chat
via the SPs with these sysops.  I know of Jose CX2SA in South
America, as we did exchange SPs sometime ago...I include this
path for your information.

> From: G4FVG@GB7COW.#44.GBR.EU
> To  : SP@WW
> Hello Peter,
> As requested, have sent this message as an SP and an SB
> to your new BBS at LSR.
> 73 Mike G4FVG
> [End of Message #90771 from G4FVG]

  Again thanks Mike.  I am replying the same day, as I received
the SB, and I have not got the SP, and I have also checked VE3LSR
to verifiy you SB was on VE3LSR as well where I DL'ed it on
VA3BAL...but no SP yet... I will reply and send you an SP if
none arrives to get this checked out, as I used to get SPs from
GB7COW and it is needed for my list.

I am going to WCONV, and you are welcome to come I want
to see if Paul's pings have worked...perhaps I should do this too
but I will see... the other reason to this, is well .,,,we do
meet other hams, and it breaks the ice...better then a ping.

This project, is borned of a SP I got from a ham in the UK and
out of a conversation, well I got it rolling, but I give him
full credit for it...if anyone is interested.

Best of regards to you and your family.

73 Peter VE3WBZ

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