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VK7AX  > SPEC     03.02.04 01:05l 77 Lines 2835 Bytes #999 (0) @ TASNET
BID : VK7AX-0302A
Subj: Logs SPECTRUM Newscast 02/02/04
Sent: 040203/0054z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC [NWTNOS-NWTas] #:2416 $:VK7AX-0302A

Logs for SPECTRUM Newscasts

 Checkins from SPECTRUM Newscast Monday Night 02/02/04 (7.30 - 8.30 PM)  
 Audio Stream from VK7AX -> VK7HDM  16KHz @ 20kb/s streaming rate. 

N/West  VK7RNW 146.750 Repeater    = 1   Direct by VK7AX (mp3 files)
N/West  VK7RNW 53.825  Repeater    = 0   Direct by VK7AX (mp3 files)
North   VK7RAA 147.000 Repeater    = 6   Direct by VK7AX (mp3 files)
South   VK7RHT 146.700 Repeater    = 5   Relay by VK7HDM (audio stream)
N/West  VK7AX 70Cm. ATV 449.75     = 0   Direct by VK7AX (mp3 files)           
N/West  VK7YBI 80m. 3,570 KHz.     = 3   Relay by VK7YBI ( VK7RAA )
SWL (North)                        = 1

            Total for Monday Night (02/02) = 16

G/Coast   VK4RFT 147.975   438.600 Repeaters - Relays by VK4TTT   
Tues 27/01           0         0  - Note -
Thur 29/01           0         0  - Note -
Sat  01/02           0         0  - Note -
                    ___       ___
                     0         0
                    ---       --- 

        Total for preceding week (26/01 Newscast) = 0  
Comments (Tasmania)

- All reports were good content and audio quality on all sessions.
- Very professional and well presented, lots of info, interesting and
- Keep up the good work & thanks to all involved.  
- Enjoyed the segments on space. Excellent quality.
- SWL Report... Hello Spectrum Team.
  Just checking in for Spectrum Monday Night, so add one more to your list
  Audio was good.  Sound levels were even.
  73's Karl.


Comments (Queensland) 
- Note -  Due to storms and loss of electricity we had Zero reports
          during the last week. (Samantha) 


Reminder... All broadcasts archived for 2 weeks on
Thanks to following for conducting callbacks & Checkins 
        Danny    VK7HDM  on VK7RHT
        Joe      VK7JG   on VK7RAA
        Samantha VK4TTT  on VK4RFT   
        Dion     VK7YBI  on 3,570 KHz.

Finally a VERY BIG thankyou to all involved with the Newscast.

                Spectrum Tasmania - Amateur Radio Magazine Newscast
                An AX/FR Production - Aired Mondays 1930 Hrs Local
                Email     -
                Web URL   -
                Archives  -
                Telephone - 03 6425 2923   0408 142229 

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