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KB2VXA > STEREO   04.01.03 17:26l 48 Lines 2049 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 595_WT3V
Sent: 021230/1829Z @:WT3V.#CNJ.NJ.USA.NA #:595 [Lakehurst] $:595_WT3V

Hello Andy and all,
Sorry OM, you write from some propaganda (disinformation/misinformation) 
you came up with somewhere, AKA ignorance which has unfortunately left 
YOU ignorant. I write from knowlege of the industry and many years of 

At one time multipath was a problem but it has since been overcome by 
improved antenna design along with moving the transmitters to more 
favorable sites in many cases. I haven't experienced multipath 
difficulties on FM nor on TV for many years. Now don't go on with that 
famous British nit picking, there will always be someone somewhere who 
simply can't get a decent signal.

Unfortunately there OM, once again another Brit is living in the past 
with outdated and/or incorrect information. Yeah, I know, often the shoe 
is on the other foot, I lack that perfect knowlege of conditions in the 
UK, so that's what these discussions are all about.

FYI, we're a nation of money politics so often a company (usually 
Motorola) will successfully lobby for an inferior system and get it to 
their advantage and our detriment. That happened when they won out over 
the Kahn ISB system of AM stereo and popularity waned. Another company 
pushed through the 8VSB digital TV system which sucks like a runaway 
Hoover so we exported our superior COFDM to you and you now have superior 
digital TV to ours.

Oh, now if you could be just a wee bit more polite the Brits may just 
recover a bit from their earned reputation as being more rude than the 
average New Yorker. NAH! A few tongue in cheek insults are funny so 
please learn the difference unless you want to slam my back into the wall 
on those occasions when I deserve it. This time however it was uncalled 

Road sign: Welcome to the Jersey Shore.     U TURN

73 de Warren, KB2VXA

p-mail: kb2vxa@wt3v.#cnj.nj.usa.noam


Message timed: 18:33 GMT on 30 Dec 02

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