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ZS2CFC > UFO      03.11.14 13:18l 125 Lines 4084 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : C82933ZS2CFC
Subj: Re: Discussion Group
Sent: 140726/2136z @:VE2HAR.#MTL.QC.CAN.NOAM [Laval] #:3761 $:C82933ZS2CFC

R:140726/1925z @:VE3CGH.#WNSOR.ON.CAN.NOAM [Windsor, Ontario Canada] #:43344 $:c82933zs2cfc Z:n8p0a9
R:081216/1423z @:AA6HF.#SCA.CA.USA.NOAM [PalmSprings] #:170882 $:C82933ZS2CFC
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R:081216/1400Z @:N1UAN.#ETN.TN.USA.NOAM #:63034 [Kingsport] $:C82933ZS2CFC
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R:081216/1110Z @:VK2DOT.CC.NSW.AUS.OC #:61596 [Niagara Park] $:C82933ZS2CFC
R:081216/1337Z 58666@VK4TRS.#BNE.QLD.AUS.OC [Brisbane] $:C82933ZS2CFC
R:081216/1346Z @:ZS0MEE.SRJ.GAU.ZAF.AF #:32580 [Johannesburg] $:C82933ZS2CFC

To  : UFO@WW


Here is one basic idea to the discussion group - in the
light of late mails private or otherwise...

WE know : Matches , scissors and knives do not belong in
little childrens hands - it can lead to desaster.

Many grownups know that and preach it , some , under adeqate
supervision - let children have experiences... like : How
would "They" learn to eat with fork and knives... The
chinese sticks might not be so lethal , maybe theire culture
is ahad of the western one somewhat.

Some even favour to get rid of knifes of the Scouts - the
very young ones are carrying. Depriving them of : Experience
, maybe safeguarding them more than in the past.
( Then , why , the question pops up is, this brutality,
reclessness and irresponsibility so favoured on our TVs? -
never mind the "late" transmitting hours so blatantly shoved
aside - and even - the Disney Micky figures...well , in my
opinion they are even more brutal than Disney would have
hacked it , ... Goofy can take it.)

We Humans can take only us as measuring stick.
WE have to assume everything and all in our known world as
comparable to Human experience. Everytjhing else is still
Fiction in some sense to its extreme. But still related to
us we cannot otherwise.

Seeing us , I would expect some caution of other races to
approach us. As WE cannot - yet.
Similarily I would expect some bolder approach of humans to
establish contact. The first contact.

Science fiction has there been many.

Real cases few. If any.

Any Scientific approach to us earthlings as suggested by
some would be accompanied by adeqate safeguarding. 
Remember the Extraterrestials are quite ahead of us.

Removing the Matches and scissors and else from our
scientists might make us a safer world. And as mentioned -
as in annother vain Hehe - would leave us in the ice age.

Scientific approach or not. We have nothing for them. It is
NOT our scientific way...perhaps, but what we know , theill

And if our ways to gain more knowlegde seem to be brutal,
dangerous or outright stupid - they will shurely seem to
"them" so. Well , we do what we can. 

If you have some of my humour than follow the following

Star wars, Aliens , Extraterrestial and all foes of the
Solar galaxy are no match for our politicians.
Well send them our lates ansamble of democrats and well'

Maybe the latest black hole is a incident of Julius Caesar
or else.
Exept for the "White" Dwarfs... these are a purely South
African idea...

Folks , with that : If We are taking ourselves too seriously
, we might be doomed from the start.
So , where are we now?

73 - Sten, ZS2CFC @ ZS0MEE

Message timed: 15:39 on 16 Dec 2008
Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80

Artifical intelligence? I think , looking around me,
humans are already outdone by computers.
Except when it comes to Politicians...
Then any old DOS programme will do.

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