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VK7AX  > UIDIGI   09.04.05 05:10l 152 Lines 4480 Bytes #999 (0) @ VKNET
BID : VK7AX-0904XH
Subj: [Ui-Digi] Digest #466
Sent: 050409/0442z @:VK7AX.#ULV.TAS.AUS.OC [NWTNOS-NWTas] #:33515 $:VK7AX-0904X
Date: 8 Apr 2005 12:24:23 -0000

Subject: [uidigi] Digest Number 466

There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. MFJ-1270B parameters
           From: "James Fuller \(N7VR\)" <>
      2. Re: MFJ-1270B parameters
           From: Ted Maczulat <>


Message: 1         
   Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 09:34:10 -0600
   From: "James Fuller \(N7VR\)" <>
Subject: MFJ-1270B parameters

Hi Glenn,

The MFJ 1270 B has a small battery in it.
Make sure the battery is good and the jumper is in position to make it active.
The battery normally will last a few years:)
Saves lots of trips to the site.

Jim Fuller
N7VR -
ARRL Montana Section Emergency Coordinator -
International TCP/IP Gateways Robot Operator -- Server Operator --

> Message: 1         
>    Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:21:59 -0500
>    From: Glenn Wiebe <>
> Subject: MFJ-1270B parameters
> Thank you to all those who responded, I haven't decided which 
> way to go yet.
> 73 de Glenn...VE4GN
>  >After a power bump the parms revert to those burned into 
> the eeprom which means  >that they have to changed remotely 
> in our groups case. It is not a really big  >deal but still a 
> bit of a PITA. If the outage occurred at the digi location 
> but  >not at a members shack it could go unnoticed. Outside 
> of getting another eeprom  >burned or a standby power supply, 
> is there another way of getting around this  >problem?


Message: 2         
   Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:27:36 -0700
   From: Ted Maczulat <>
Subject: Re: MFJ-1270B parameters

below is the content of a post to this group back in December of 2004

The UIDIGI code is not real happy with the battery in place.

Take the time to put all of the correct parameters into the EPROM.

IRLP Node 1120

----- Original Message ----- 
From: John Langtry, VE3NEC 
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [uidigi] Re: backup battery

Hi Chris & all,

Yes that was I who made that comment about the battery,
after speaking with Marco on how the code lays out its
buffers and pointers.

In the MFJ-1270x I believe it can be done by just opening
JMP 5. But why leave an unused battery in there, which could
potentially leak ? Pitch the battery, in accordance with
your state or local laws.

Why ? (Worst case), the hydro "bumps" and the battery is still
in there. Now the RAM will contain all kinds of backed up
garbage and bad pointers. Remember, that with the UIDIGI code
*all* of your parameters are stored (or should be) in the EPROM.

If there's no battery, the TNC comes back up and has clean RAM
to run in, and life carries on and all is well.

If the battery is in there, then the code will be struggling
with trying to allocate buffers, and reset useless pointers,
generally failing, and the darn thing does not come back on
line. (This is directly proportional to how far it is that
you have to drive to get to the digipeater, and how nasty
the weather is !)

Do yourself, and your digipeater a favour and "loose" the
battery !

vy 73 de John VE3NEC
IRLP node 2200

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Glenn Wiebe 
  Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 2:05 PM
  Subject: [uidigi] MFJ-1270B parameters

  After a power bump the parms revert to those burned into the eeprom which means 
  that they have to changed remotely in our groups case. It is not a really big 
  deal but still a bit of a PITA. If the outage occurred at the digi location but 
  not at a members shack it could go unnoticed. Outside of getting another eeprom 
  burned or a standby power supply, is there another way of getting around this 


  73 de Glenn...VE4GN


End Ui-Digi Digest #466

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