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KG6BAJ > VHFUHF   19.06.08 03:01l 49 Lines 1979 Bytes #999 (0) @ NWSGRP
Subj: Re: HAM to PC
Sent: 080618/1133Z #:753 [Grass Valley] InterGate $:7

** NEWSGROUP: alt.ham-radio.vhf-uhf
** FROM     : Christopher Mills Wolfe <>

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 05:54:12 -0400, Fred Cameron wrote:

> Christopher,
> As a fellow ham, I appreciate your honest, helpful response to the
> fellow's question
> Since my recent experience with a few hams left me feeling that many
> amateurs are opportunistic and self-serving, I am delighted to see that
> a fraternity among us still exists!
> Fred

I appreciate the kudos Sir. I am as yet not a license holder. I will test 
next month for the TECH level.

I believe we should help ourselves and others and though I am not 
technically versed as yet I can contribute some of what I know.

I spent the better part of three decades in 11 meters where I saw that 
form of communication go from an enjoyable information and rag chewing 
venue to an unbelievable quagmire of white noise and chaos due to 
operators using liniers to over amplify their over modulated radios for 
no reason other than they could. The ability to "step" on someone was a 
circumstance I could never comprehend. The entire band went to hell 
because people would not realize they were the cause of the problem. If 
you sound terrible up close you sound terrible farther away. Something 
many CB'ers could not comprehend. The best thing that happened to 11 
meters was the decline in "skip" because of the change in the sunspot 
cycle. I went to SSB to avoid the influx of the all-to-common mentally 
challenged AM stations that continued the wattage wars for years.

I sincerely hope the influx of new ham's does not place the same burden 
on the Ham bands. I still monitor 11 meters and on occasion still 
communicate with a few of the more mature CB'ers locally.

The torch is being passed from the "greatest generation" and I fervently 
hope we are up to the task.


** InterPacketGATE V1.6 Beta  INTERNET <-> PACKET Radio Gateway by E.Konings **

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