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GM1JWC > WEIRDO   21.02.10 12:15l 18 Lines 3288 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 50710_VK6ZRT
Subj: Mullins
Sent: 100221/1038Z @:VK6ZRT.#BUN.#WA.AUS.OC #:50710 [Boyanup] $:50710_VK6ZRT

Subject matter says it all .. frost in the morning to arise to, but sunshine through these daylight hours, getting longer.  Sunshine or not, forget the tan .. freezing COLD still, maybe a degree or two off for regulars, but leave the tanning, until we are assured, we have ALL the component parts of a real SPRING!  Gloves through the day, are not seen as .. a bit much!  IF, there is a real threat of Snow - somebody thereabouts, has said something .. and it has gotten back to the powers that be.  Sorry, but I don't want to be seen as .. another one of these bams .. 'I'll show him!' ....
I've always tried to be 'good' as IT is generally felt to be on the safe side?
Not, the sickly safe, who is always informing others that they are not really related to real Goodies, but, .. 'I try my best' .. try the other leg!
.. I got the message this very morning, when I was typing away, and there was a sudden bump on the carpet, behind me; and when I swivelled round to see what the devil it was .. a solitary light bulb, sitting nestled against a cardboard box .. still in one piece, I should have thought it would have shattered, and glass over the area.  It didn't ....?  Picked it up, held it to my ear, a shake .. it rattled, there was a separation in the element!
Now!, I am not overlooking, that the bulb had come loose .. it has been up there for many months, maybe a year or more, as I cannot recall when I last changed a bulb in this room?  I had just 'typed' the word GOOD - but I didn't say anything or refer to, about it, not a word .. it was about then, the BUMP!   The light was NOT lit at the time, possible an hour or more, since it last was ON - .. I'm not making a song and dance about it - it's just, a trifle, funny, peculiar.  I forget what I was going to tell you .. maybe, I was radiating waves of imminent concern, alarm, looking for something to say?  How do I know? .. I just forget ........  I did feed the birds this morning, just as it was light, and I could see all that was going on .. nothing; just as I went out the door!  
That big black crow, has been playing football above me, on my flat roof, and he seems to kick it, a knuckle bone; if it is like last time I was up there.  Rapid paddings across the flat, then the bone rumbles down the slant of the roof, and he is after it again!  This could be a sign - the Mark of the Crow?  It's a day or two since the last episode, so it cannot be his revenge, as keeping fed in these frosty mornings, must be seen as .. a good neighbourly act, who puts out for the birds, EVERY morning, mostly on time, rarely late on.

I only saw the crow yesterday afternoon, late on, and he was strutting slowly over my grass, so might have been down a little earlier, than when I saw him.  Difficult to tell if a crow is feeling a grievance, that solid beak gets in the way, of seeing his beady black eyes, and he was going away from me at the time.  Besides, I don't really mind him playing his football above me .. takes me all my time, to refrain from laughing aloud and making a noise!  A bulb dropping out of its socket, isn't the end of the world .. had it been next door now, my neighbour, I wouldn't have worried! ................. 	weird mullins, Esq.


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