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VE3WBZ > WEIRDO   30.11.10 18:35l 126 Lines 4780 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 9350_VA3BAL
Subj: We all Miss Glen ..oor leader
Sent: 101130/1731Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:9350 [Ballantrae] $:9350_VA3BAL


DT: Tuesday,November 30th.,2010 @1110hrs EST

<< Quoting KB2VXA to WEIRDO @WW >>

> From         : KB2VXA         To           : WEIRDO@WW
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 29-Nov 17:11
> Bid          : 60255_VK6ZRT   Message #    : 74791
> Title        : Re: VE3WBZ > VXA & WEIRDO
> Hi Pete and all,

  Hello Warren and I hope Glen ...oor Leader reading from
his position of stealth ... Hmmm ... Maybe too a warning
to those "normal" not to read passed this...ok...stay sane.

> I received no response to that bull, seems no one is
> interested. Well, at least none of what's left of the
> regulars, now I can count them on one hand with fingers
> left over. Despite all my poking and prodding Glen is
> not coming back, he never came out with it but his
> continued absense makes it clear. One consolation, when
> I get around to downloading my e-mail he'll be there.

I noted you got no replys.  I have it on file, so I might
give it a stab.  hahahahaa ... And I was surprised that
some if not even our regulars, some we never correspond
with might as they post jokes and humour...well it is
supposed to be fun ... smile...laughter... the best
medicine..or something like that ...oh well.

Glen my email is ...    I hope I
can prodd you too , with the plug out ...might light
up the light on your official crown... eeerrr well
yeah ... I miss you Glen.

Geesh ... I miss Bob, and David, and Ian, and Andy n Andy
and the rest.

> That reminds me, last evening I was reading a thread on
> one of the ham related internet sites and came across
> some comments about the Scots wearing kilts.
> No point going into the whole thing but one guy said
> something "girlish" and the reply in Gaelic was er,
> something about kissing his gluteus maximus. (;->)
> Oh, it took finding the right on like dictionary to
> translate it but well worth the lulz.

aaaah that debate will rage on ... If under the kilt
one is without his draws < so to speak> oor with'em.

Most pictures and memorys I have of the kilt, is one of
there are real ones and the phoneys.  The phoneys are
lightweight, and might be needing them things underneath
to stop the draft that drives you daft ... But, well I
had a kilt, and knee socks, and it was of a very thick
material and layered with pleats and quite heavy.
Many old prints show versions of the kilt and really
then wrapping a hide around one's self to keep warm
with soft leather shoes or boots with bark or other
for soles ... My kilt was of my clan.  It was heavy
and I can remember stepping into it, and then connecting
all the catches here and there to make it presentable.

Warm ...yeah great ...with nickers or without.

Common thought in battle, were the swirl of the pipes
and the "Ladies from H---" coming to battle.

I care not what some non-Scot writes here or there or
anywhere.   Just jealous wantabees and I really care not
what the comments are ... the proof is in the pudding
and I'd sooner have a team of Scots..Irish, Yorkshiremen
and Gurkers...anytime in battle on my side.

OOPS ..this is supposed to be light and weird... yeah
sending "daffy back to you" in the mood of the post
and I will try the posting from Glen you have posted

                      __  _/:::>__
                     /:/_/::/ _/::>
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              / ::/  \  ::::::  /   |:::/
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                    (___________/__________\\ /
          /;;;;;;__;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;\

> 73 de Warren
> [End of Message #74791 from KB2VXA]

   December 2011 nearly here ... then Christmas...and
then New Years 2011 ...SO everyone...get back on packet.
Yeah even the pests.... hmmm PEST @WW would be nice.   We
could have our own versions of WiliLeak there...hahahahahaha.

 Ok outta here ... ttfn  Pete VE3WBZ

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