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VK3ZWI > WIAVIC   04.04.04 23:47l 107 Lines 5197 Bytes #999 (0) @ VKNET
BID : 10232_VK3DSE
Subj: WIA Fed Conf report 3
Sent: 040404/1012Z @:VK3DSE.#MEL.VIC.AUS.OC #:10232 [Narre Warren] FBB7.00g25

WIA Federal Convention
Report 2 issued at 17:27 4/4/03
The WIA has moved closer to being restructured following a number of 
developments that occurred at the WIA Federal Convention in Brisbane - but a 
new constitution was not adopted.

The Federal Council spent a total of eight hours over three days discussing 
the proposed restructure of the WIA from a federation of WIA Divisions into a 
single national membership organisation.

The WIA Federal Convention was adjourned until Saturday 1 May, and will meet 
in Sydney to again consider the restructure.

The Federal Convention dealt with its agenda with the exception of a special 
resolution submitted by VK1 and seconded by VK4, that the new constitution 
(only available in draft form) be adopted.

It became clear that the special resolution did not have sufficient support 
to be put to the vote. At one stage on Saturday (yesterday) it appeared that 
only VK1, VK4 and VK5 would vote "yes" - far short of the needed six votes or 
75% of the Federal Councillors to be passed. Both VK2 and VK3 as public 
companies had concerns that they needed to seek professional advice on the 
proposed constitution and the associated enforceable agreement.

Due to the several verbal and written presentations given at the Federal 
Convention, and the wide-ranging discussion that occurred, VK6 and VK7 were 

The author of the proposed constitution, Michael Owen VK3KI said the changes 
that had to be made to the proposal were not simple and it was not possible 
to make them without coming face to face in a meeting. The draft constitution 
was changed during the conference with its latest version issued in time for 
the adjournment of the Federal Convention at 3pm today. All WIA Federal 
Councillors believed that the time taken to further develop the proposal had 
been worthwhile. 

VK2 and VK3 had for the first time the documents and other material to enable 
them to seek professional advice and consult with their memberships.

The WIA Federal board of directors underwent change and received a clear 
message about its performance from the WIA Federal Council. Two WIA Federal 
Directors - David Jones VK4OF and David Pilley VK2AYD (Federal Treasurer) - 
have departed, and Ernie Hocking VK1LK was returned as Federal President with 
reduced support. Don Wilschefski VK4BY and Peter Naish were re-elected as 
Director and Secretary respectively.

In another development, the WIA Federal Convention made John Martin VK3KWA a 
Life Member of the WIA in recognition of his contributions over a lengthy 
period, including chairmanship of the Federal Technical Advisory Committee 
for the past ten years.

The WIA Ron Wilkinson Achievement Award was given to Rex Moncur VK7MO in 
recognition of his achievements and contributions to the knowledge of other 
radio amateurs in relation to weak signal working on VHF/UHF and microwave 

The Ron Higginbotham Award, decided by the WIA Publications Committee, was 
awarded posthumously to Gil Sones VK3AUI (SK) in recognition his 30 years of 
involvement with Amateur Radio magazine. Gil VK3AUI, who passed away last 
November, had been a past editor and the author of the popular technical 
topics on the WIA journal.

Numerous reports were received, discussed and adopted. Highlights of these 
will be reported later. 

The AMSAT-VK Coordinator Graham Ratcliff VK5AGR in his annual report 
recommended the AMSAT-DL Phase 5E project and the AMSAT-NA Echo project 
receive $5,000 donations each from the WIA.

WIA Victoria offered to consider such donations on a dollar-for-dollar basis 
with  WIA NSW. The WIA Federal Council recognised the "generous" offer.

VK6 Federal Councillor Trevor Ward VK5HTW said there were a number of 
satellite users in Western Australia that would directly benefit from the two 
AMSAT projects. He said his Division would consider making a contribution to 
them, and other WIA Divisions are considering the matter, but as a minium 
will draw to the attention of their memberships of the need for support of 
those projects.

In policy motions passed today, the effectiveness of the WIA liaison with the 
ACA is to be reviewed and the activities of the WIA/ACA Liaison group be 
better communicated to the WIA membership. 

WIA policy over the past five years is also to be reviewed and formally 
recorded in an easy access reference document that can be reconsidered at 
each annual general meeting.

The use of electronic payment of WIA membership renewals, and the possibility 
of introduction of a membership identification card, are also being 

All coordinators standing for re-appointment were accepted. Management of the 
John Moyle Memorial Field Day from 2005 will be the responsibility of the WIA 
Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club with its nominee Dennis Johnstone VK3ZUX.

A wrap-up report on the WIA Federal Convention will be written later in the 

-- From the WIA Victoria representatives at the WIA Federal Convention, 
Jim Linton VK3PC, Peter Mill VK3APO and Barry Robinson VK3JBR.

WIA Victoria news -

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