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ZL2VAL > WINDOZ   09.01.04 12:40l 106 Lines 4327 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 980384ZL2VAL
Subj: Common shortcut keys
Sent: 040109/0833Z @:ZL2AB.#46.NZL.OC #:33002 [New Plymouth] FBB7.00g

Hi Y'all, I hope this comes out OK at your end? It looked good when I
typed it out with MetaPad but Winpack scrunches down the linelength.
Windoze Shortcut keys:- 

Key press		Action		Result

Ctrl+Z		Undo			If you accidently delete some text or make a 
						mistake in a document you're working on, this
						will undo your previous action.

Ctrl+A		Select all	If you want to highlight the text of a whole
						document, this will select all of the text.

Ctrl+P		Print		Send the selected page to the printer.

Ctrl+S		Save			Saves the document you're working on.

Ctrl+Alt+Del	Task manager/	Depending on what version of Windoze you have
			Restart the	this will either open the task manager, which
			Computer		allows you to see all the programs currently
						running or, if repeated twice, will closedown.

Windows Key	Start		Opens the Windoze Start Menu.

Windows Key+D	Desktop		Minimises all windows and returns you to the
						Desktop. Much the same as WinKey+M. Repeat this
						to restore the windows to original positions.

Windows key+E	Windoze 		Opens the Windoze Explore program to give you
			  Explore		access to your computer's contents.

Windows Key+F	Find			Opens the Search function allowing you to find
						files and folders.

Windows Key+L	Lock			Locks the computer (Win XP and above, only).

Windows Key+M	Minimise all	Reduces all windows , so the Desktop is 
						displayed - the windows will sit on the task-
						bar at the bottom of the screen.

Windows Key+R	Run			Opens the Run dialogue box, which is the area 
						that allows you to enter commands manually to
						run a program, such as an installation process.

Windows Key +	Undoes		Returns all windows back to their original 
  Shit+M		   minimise	positions.

Windows Key +	Cycles		Cycle through the programs open on your taskbar
 Tab			  Taskbar

Windows Key +	System		Opens the dialogue box listing your system 
 Pause/Break 	properties	properties, or all properties of your computer

F1			Help			Opens the Help function of current program.

F3			Find			Opens the search function.

Alt+Print Scr	Screen shot	Takes a screenshot image of the current screen

Alt+F4		Close program	Closes the current program, and if repeated 
						until all programs are closed will closedown

PS, The "Windows Key" is the one with the Windows Logo on top.


 73 de Alan, (Sysop ZL2AB).


 Message timed: 21:33 on 2004-Jan-09 (NZ local)
 Message sent using WinPack-AGW V6.80

 Points to ponder
 I intend to live forever.  So far, so good...

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