OpenBCM V1.07b3 (WIN32)

Packet Radio Mailbox


[BBS Antwerpen]

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ZS6CFC > WINPAK   27.10.07 09:37l 207 Lines 7403 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 4B4014ZS6CFC
Subj: winpack addons list
Sent: 071027/0857Z @:ZS0DLD.PTA.GAU.ZAF.AF #:42629 [PRETORIA] $:4B4014ZS6CFC

FINGER1  ZIP   8K Returns Information about you using
ADDONS   ZIP   9K Server returns reqfil file list
REQNEWS  ZIP   5K Another mail program returns news from
your station
RQNEWS2  ZIP   6K Version 2.0 allows mutiple users for W
version 5.5
REQWP    ZIP   6K ??? In italian!
RQFIL241 ZIP   8K Modified REQFIL based on original by G4IDE
WITEPAGE ZIP  17K White Page Server (Italian Manual)
RLINE100 ZIP   3K Updates your winpack address book if
callsigns bbs changes
TREE     ZIP   8K Can Replace /REQDIR for File Lists with
REQFIL   ZIP   8K Update from Roger Allows Access to
TXT2HTML ZIP   8K G4IDE Fun: Converts CERTAIN normal
messages to HTML on download
QUACK    ZIP   4K A sort of /ack /qsl combo..
REQDIR   ZIP      Returns a clickable (do /REQFIL) directory
listing in HTML
KREQDIR  ZIP      Retuns dir listing with comments
SENDERR  ZIP      Fowards 7+ Error messages to the sender
7COR     ZIP      AutoGenerates .cor files (beta version)
JANTOR1D ZIP      REQFIL Automatic Generator
ERR2COR  ZIP      Handles recompilation of COR files
HTMSTR11 ZIP      Strip out HTML tags for those without

Outgoing Mail:

YES1     ZIP  52K Adds the <YES> command to any
version of the HTML server
XPHTM662 ZIP  51K Expert Version 6.61
EXPERT   ZIP 134K Expert Version of HTML6-50.ZIP
CN1198   ZIP  23K Converts to HTML based on specified
callsign list
RD0798   ZIP  34K Converts reqdir to HTML on HTML received
ACK22    ZIP   5K G4IDE: Altered ack to stop auto conversion
REPVIEW  ZIP  30K Keeps a list of all your replys
CN16HTML ZIP  44K Automatic Alternate Convert to HTML sever
CARBON   ZIP   5K Carbon server
TAGLINE  ZIP   8K Add Taglines to your messages
HEAD122  ZIP   4K Puts a cutomised line at top of every
VEW1298  ZIP      View Converted HTML messages before
sending to BBS

WinPack PMS Commands :

ADDON    ZIP  11K List's all externass installed on your
TELE     ZIP   5K TeleText Server Like the FBB one
LOTTERY  ZIP  23K Lottery number generator for winpack
WTI      ZIP  11K World Time International calculator
BBS      ZIP  17K Returns information about specified BBS
BIG_BBS  ZIP  35K Upgrade for BBS Includes Canada &
FF       ZIP   2K Find files in your \pub and subdirectorys
TIME     ZIP   8K Displays the time with a /time
DOSCMD   ZIP   2K Runs a dos command through winpack
WHEREIS  ZIP  30K Callsign's Home BBS Lookup database
IIADATA  ZIP   5K Islands Award Database for whereis
IOTADATA ZIP   8K Similar to above for whereis
OBLASTDA ZIP   2K Yet again similar for whereis
7MOVE1   ZIP   1K Moves 7+ files into new location
ZDRIVE   ZIP  18K Mutiple file directory's on winpack system
QRZDX2   ZIP   9K To Interface QRZ CD-ROM
QRZDX2XT ZIP      New Version, I think has a .xtr file with
WPFIND09 ZIP  24K QRZ Ham CD - Callsign Server - Works well
QUOTE    ZIP   3K Generates random quotes for remote users
NEWS     ZIP    K Belongs with reqnews
LOC12    ZIP   9K Gives you maiden head locator by G4IDE
REG102   ZIP   4K Allows ADDRESS.TXT to be added to by
connected stations
FINDFILE ZIP   3K Lets remote users search your disk for
CMDS     ZIP   3K Extra Help File especially for Addons
HTML     ZIP   6K Returns constimsed html pages with /html
HANGMAN2 ZIP   3K The classic game as an addon
MV       ZIP      Help you move HTML FILES
LIST     ZIP      Produces FBB type directory list
WINCAP2  ZIP      Utility for help with captured files
WEATHER  ZIP      Used in conjuction with wxapr??.zip for
SYSOP    ZIP      In Portugese? something to do with extra
BORRALOG ZIP      Foreign Log type program, better
descriptions welcom

WinPack PMS Tools :

WINPLOG  ZIP  35K V1.2 Graphical Interface log inv prog
QU8      ZIP  35K Extra Functions for mail + HTML OUTPUT
EXT      ZIP   2K External Programs from MS-DOS prompt
CHSIG    ZIP   3K Allows you to have multiple sig files
7ZIPS    ZIP   2K Moves 7+ programs to \winpack\pub\down7p
BTIDY2   ZIP  18K Keeps your Bulletins at bay (i.e. Tidys
MD2D     ZIP  12K MD2D Password client
SHI12    ZIP   7K Shows the route a mail message has taken
through network
BBSFILES ZIP  27K International BBS List for show route
FORCEV2  ZIP   8K Forces 7+ Mail to be forwarded Quite
complex now
F310B    ZIP  22K Windows Interface Version of the addon
FORCE you mail
W4KGU    ZIP  59K Run Winpack from a BBS Door
SHUK101A ZIP  15K Visualy displays the route a message took
SHUKUPGD ZIP   2K Database update for above
SELEDIT  ZIP  14K Editing of select & autotime very good
by G4IDE
MNG7PL   ZIP  81K 7+ Decoding manager (Italian Manual)
YAPPTIME ZIP   7K Automatic YAPP sessions (Italian Manual)
DDEKEYS  ZIP  67K Allows you to click and connect to
SIGCHNG  ZIP   4K A Windows version of the chsig program
WP101201 ZIP   8K New versions of HEADER and RLINE
WINPPGP  ZIP  11K WinPack PGP Signature Client
WF1      ZIP   3K Windows driven search utlility for the
BKT2     ZIP  26K Windows Driven tidy up your backup
BULLCL32 ZIP  13K Fanzy windows driven bulletin clearer.
WINPINIT ZIP   3K G4IDE Tool: Which Runs a Batch File before
WXAPR14  ZIP  12K G4IDE: WX APRS Monitor for Winpack
WINPMAL2 ZIP  15K Nice Tool for browsing your archived sent
WINPCAPT ZIP      Nice Tool for browsing your captured files
NOREPLY  ZIP      Reminds you of un-replied mail
SHRINK   ZIP      Removes OLD arhived mail

BPQ Addons

BPQMONI  ZIP   9K beeps when specified station tx's
NATTA    ZIP   9K Chat Server for BPQ works with winpack
CONV105  ZIP      Chat Server for BPQ not written by me
BAYTEST  ZIP   8K Utility by G4IDE for testing baycom board
BPQJJF11 ZIP  10K Baycom board Driver for winpack by G4IDE
NODBAY13 ZIP  11K Interface between baycom and windows
(BAYDRV.VXD) new version
MARK     ZIP   8K Unload bpq with out resetting MARK ->
BPQPATCH ZIP  44K G4IDE Patch: Stops RARE GPF's in BPQ 4.08a
BPQPKT   ZIP      G4IDE : Something to do with ???

Help Files:

WPEXT    ZIP   5K How to write winpack external progs
MH       ZIP   1K Gives you a more structured help file
XHELP    ZIP   3K Gives you help for you external programs
WINPTXT  ZIP  31K Text Base version of winpack help file
WINPAKGO ZIP  10K Getting BAYCOM and Winpack Going GUIDE by
HTMLEASY ZIP  22K Interactive Guide to creating web pages

AGW Addons :

MHPE10   ZIP   9K MH List for AGW with winpack interface
type thing
MHEAR    ZIP   0K EAR ICON for mhpe10


AFTER    ZIP  45K WIN: Loads applications after x amount of
DELBACK  ZIP   4K G4IDE: delete subdirectories of
WINPWAIT ZIP   2K G4IDE: Elagant way of delay the startup of
ICONS    ZIP   1K Icons for the more popular addons
2HTMLIB  ZIP      Helps you manage you htmlib
IMAGE    ZIP      Keeps a log of htmlib files used in
BUTT103  ZIP      Get 8 buttons from one button on the
winpack taskbar
SER      ZIP      Portugese? I wish I new ...
7PPSHELL ZIP      Winpack Shell for 7PP

Message timed : 10:24 on 27 Oct 2007

Computer , the species of Calculus Interruptus

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