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VE3WBZ > WORDS    27.09.13 00:34l 111 Lines 3997 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 14265_VA3BAL
Subj: RE: Ian G0TEZ's new topic
Sent: 130926/1857Z @:VA3BAL.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:14265 [Ballantrae] $:14265_VA3B


DT: Thursday, September 26th.,2013 @ 1413hrs EST <JPST>

<< Quoting Ian G0TEZ to WORDS @WW >>

> From         : G0TEZ          To           : WORDS @WW      
> Type/Status  : B$             Date/Time    : 24-Sep 22:56
> Bid          : 320296G0TEZ    Message #    : 14199
> Title        : TV Howlers.
> A lot of people now get their education from TV and a 
> lot of it is wrong.

Hello Ian, and congratulations on launching an interesting

> My most hated word is 'decimate' which is used to mean 
> 'totally destroy.'

Never thought of my most hated word.

> Even though some of the educational programmes explain that, 
> back in the Rpman army, the most severe punishment was to 
> 'decimate' a legion or to kill 1 in 10 from the Latin word 
> 'decim' = 1/10th.

Given the brutal ways of the Roman Empire, I wonder who were
really the barbarians, and who really was the better at being
brutal.    Where it comes to the Legion, I can see what they
are thinking, as how many did march on Rome for a reason?

> Some other words I can live with like 'normalcy' and the like 
> which were invented by President Eisenhower in the 1950. 
> The correct word, 'normality' is still in use in the UK and 
> 'down under'. so, no big deal. 

Ian ...they say every generation coins their favorite word.

> One of the biggest howlers is from the Greek word 'paedo' 
> = a child below puberty. tied in with the word' philia' which 
> means loving or caring about, quite a flattering word really. 
> The more correct version was the American Paederasty, which 
> is far stronger and comes from 'erastos = erotic love'.

As Portuguese is so close to latin and is called sometimes
modern latin I hear thse words from Maria and other Brasilians.

> It was still seen as a joke and was, infact, used as part of a 
> song from the musical Hair. I cannot quote it on here except 
> to say that the end of the first verse went 'father, why do 
> these words sound so nasty ?' which rhymrd with 'pederasty'.

I can not remember "Hair".   I am sure you will get the answer.

> According to the late G4EBT who had been a magistrate, who 
> really knew his law. the words 'paedophile and paederast' are 
> never used in law as they are too imprescise.

"Late" ?   I hope not, I hear from David, once in a while, and
some photos too.   Miss him on Packet, but then I miss quite
a few.

> Yet television, convinced everybody that they are correct, 
> English words.

TV hires what the government has educated via the schools, and
how they are taught by approved books for teaching, is ...well
I rest there.

> I wonder if John Logie Baird who did hope that TV would be 
> educational, gave any thought to the possible misinformation 
> everyone would be exposed to if TV became the most powerful 
> source of propaganda on earth. Sadly,TV perpetuated the myth 
> thay JLB did not invent television, which would have probably 
> upset him but he died in 1946 just as TV was restarting after 
> WWII so they could say what they liked about him and his co-worker 
> Philo T Farnsworth who invented the image dissector camer and 
> held the master patent to electronic TV. Much to the displeasure 
> of RCA.

 How true!

> I think, 'Bring back better education/' Not necessarily inflicting 
> Latin and Greek on suffering adolescents but, at least, teaching 
> better English.
> 73 - Ian, G0TEZ @ GB7CIP
> Message timed: 23:56 on 2013-Sep-24 GMT+1
> Message sent using WinPack-Telnet V6.80
> [End of Message #14199 from G0TEZ]

 Ian.  I see in Wales, they are teaching Welsh in schools.  So , since
there are other areas that make up the British Isles, both independent
and self-whatever or governed from London < Westminister> then too
I would assume they are now learning their historical native tongues.
Interesting ...

Thank you for the posting ...I really thought you were over in Holland.
73 Peter VE3WBZ

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