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G8PZT  > XRGRP    12.12.03 04:26l 49 Lines 1998 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 000020345PZT
Subj: Re: Dynamic routing ?
Sent: 031212/0232Z @:GB7PZT.#24.GBR.EU [Kidderminster] #:2000 XSERV408a
From: G8PZT@GB7PZT.#24.GBR.EU (Paula)

Subject: Re: Dynamic routing ?
X-Mailer: XServ v408a HTTPmail

Hello all. Nice to see some discussion to keep the grey matter stimulated

G0FTD Wrote:-

>If this is the case, then surely that would mean EVERYBODY who runs Xrouter
>will be actively participating in the infrastructure of the packet network
>regardless of the capabilities of each station ?
>That sounds like a good idea to me, which would mean that the use of Xrouter
>as a "front end" to individual packet users is preferable to systems
>such as BPQ ?
>Comments ?

1) I can't see Xrouter catching on as an end-user program. It was intended
as a piece of infrastructure to be used by experts, and thus requires a
fair bit of expertise to configure properly.

2) The average end-user wants plug and play software, running on Windows
ME, XP, whatever. i.e. AGW Paket engine. Ok, Xrouter offers a lot more than
AGW in some respects, but the average user doesn't need that sort of power.

3) I'm not sure it's desirable for every user to be a router, at least not
in a network which relies on routing information broadcasts, because you
quickly reach a point where the network can't cope with the volume of routing
information. People turning things on and off generates a lot of re-configuration

However, although I said Xrouter wasn't an end-user program, I have for
the last 6 months been using a TCP/IP-only TSR version (XSOCK) to provide
the TCP/IP stack for my DOS Echolink client. Once I've documented the socket
API, it will provide an easy, reliable, self-contained TCP/IP stack, for
which anyone can write applications. But I suppose that's a solution looking
for a problem :-)

Hmm, let's think of possible applications.... Echolink client - done. EQSO
client, Web server, TCP/IP BBS, mail server... Oh, I dunno, it's 3.15am
and I've only had 4hrs sleep in the last 48, so I can't think of any more!

"DOS - do more, with less!"

73, Paula

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