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G6XCJ  > YL       07.07.12 02:29l 83 Lines 4307 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 8F0340G6XCJ
Subj: 1/8
Sent: 090801/0941Z @:GB7COW.#44.GBR.EU #:32571 [163649] FBB7.01.35 alpha
To  : YL@WW

Hiya to all YL's

Singapore:Is my wife's home town to the 80s. PM LEE KUAN YEW turned it
around(Lawyer). Justice is administered by a three judge panel, the death
penalty is still in force, Long haired men are turned around at airport.
It is a one party state and is NOT democratic but Do as i say not what i
do. All Singaporeans are expected to graduate from Uni they then take
management posts or move to Malaysia or other nations. There is no welfare
state, families are expected to care for each other financially and with
care. SGH is the only Singapore General Hospital which will accept
citizens only. If one is not a citizen one has to rely on the insurance of
a citizen food must be brought in. There are many private medical centres
but they are tres cher!

In the good old day one could go to a hawker market and have a really good
meal for as little as SIN$1.50 (Now 3.50) without a doubt the hawker
markets are the best eating places in the island and Newton Circus or the
Satay Club are the most famous places. My bil tells me Singapore has now
become quite dangerous and the police and banks are corrupt-never would
have happened in Mr LKYs day!

Geylang *Lady boys still roam in their skin tight jeans and blouses but i
understand they are now outlawed. All citizens qualify for HBD housing so
for say $50 a month they get a one bedroomed place with a squat toilet.

90% of the true workers come in from Malaysia and to qualify to remain in
S'pore they must take 24hrs abroad in Johore before returned for another
6mth visa. Many Europeans use this road to stay there but without income
its very difficult.

Bugis Street is still there but its not the same as the 60s-those were the
days truly.

FRANCE:Most Brits who go to France know it to be one of the most tranquil
places on earth, the roads are absolute bliss so long as you avoud the
major towns. The British have built the most well thought out network of
m/ways ever devised so there really is no need to go anywhere near pahis
the viaduc du Millau is the most splendid work of art ever seen it winds
across Millau designed by a Briton and built by the French have been
across it once going north it was the most heavenly experience. If you
really must drive via pahis and the Blvd de Periferique do not arrive
until after midnight and before 0430 Quicker routes i can provide on
request SP free of charge to any location en francais.

ALL who live here are required by law to have a bank account. Contracts of
employment are much better now than in the 60s hence the lousy service in
most areas. despite my age and disabilities i drive France Italy Spain
Malta. Italy and Malta are very stressful to older folk whereas Spain and
France can make you feel young again. Ask for a Diablo Mente when you stop
at a bar-Tabac.

Many Brits get bitten when they go south on the route de soleil(the most
expensive m/way in the world!) I can give you the cheapest! Yes you are so
right Pete, in France no money means you go nowhere and you starve slowly.
You can do what a Brit ham did and play the system by hiring a Gite for an
indefinete period and drawing his incap ben to pay the bills then going to
the local Caisse to apply for RMI so he can get FREE treatment at a local
hospital by registering at the local Mairie he got a 90% discount on water
and electricity and gas and a free bus pass he the recommended the system
to a few more hams and now they are almost a commune of Brits-yuk they all
applied for and received reciprocal licences.

My main question is with all the tranquil countries the pass through why
do so many non EU try to get into Britain? Which is now known to be the
worst place on earth to live?

If you can still pitch a tent can i recommend a four week visit to a Tente
site at Vence in the rue de sine ina pine forest, tranquil and beautiful
and if you like swimming the piscine public in Vence is Excellent? For
weeks for less than 100quid incl of all food bought at site shop.
Best wishes/Meilleurs sentiments/73,
de Rodge

(Ecrire en francais ou chinois de Canton a votre convenance).
Member:G-QRP 4331.RAOTA 1902.RSARS 2359. Life-Member RMPA 20883
QRV:psk63 30/40/80mtrs 24/7=APRS
Mob:0780-585-4426 (GB only)

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