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G0TEZ  > FILMS    15.10.04 15:07l 67 Lines 3356 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 107_G0TEZ
Subj: Re: Progs from down under VK6BE
Sent: 041015/0458Z @:GB7HVU.#16.GBR.EU #:55626 [Great Harwood] FBB7.00i $:107_G

Message #:107 sent by G0TEZ using TPK v 1.83c on 15-10-2004/03:45 GMT      "

What's this about my taking a dig at the outback,David?
I  never  watch  the  Aussie or NZ soaps. We have had the three main Aussie
ones  and that litle gem about some post apocalyptic kids stuck in a 'mall'
and the rulers are girls while the lads just mildly accquiesce.
A bit like the Bill, really.
Yes. I used to watch the Bill, when I didn't even know it's name. I called
it footsteps, because the original series ended with two pairs of feet
walking of down a cobbled street with the excellent, old them tune playing.
Back  then,  the  men  were  men  and policemen I knew said they watched it
because it was quite realistic.

This  must have been before Mavis of Scunthorpe. (You are sure it was a MAN
who  told  you  this,David?).  The  bill  is  just a programme I pass while
looking  for  something  worth  watching.  The  only  other police series i
occasionally watch, in sick fascination, is called 'Heartbeat'.

I expect you've had it down under.
It is supposedly set in the north of England in 1969.
Yet  there  are no long haired men in caftans, no women in mini skirts. The
cars  are from the 1950s,with a couple of exceptions and some of the music
is from the 1970s.
They  make big mistakes like breathalysing people - before the breathalyser
was in use.

I'm  still trying to remember those shows from the Outback. It is true that
there  are  documentaries where the tourists all have to eat wichetty grubs
and  camp  near  Ayer's  Rock, which they must call by some other name, all
very predictable.
I  did  once  mention something about the Flying Doctor; he probably uses a
mobile 'phone nowadays and school by (CB ?) radio. I expect it's Sat TV and
mobile 'phone now. If I gave offence, I apologise.
I  didn't mean what I said about the men in Sydney, either, well not all of
On the same subject. One of the finest exports is Kylie's bum.

As  for  ONJ,  she was saying on a programme about the making of Grease in
1979 that she asked the producers if they were sure that a woman of 35 could
really play an American High School girl. She must be nearly 60 by now.
As  for  Rolf. Take him back - please. They'll give him a knighthood before

Joking  aside.  We  feel  a  lot  more  in  common with Australians and new
Zealanders  than  we do with Americans. No insult to the Americans intended
there. I think it's a matter of time. The settlers 'down under' were mainly
of  british  extraction and it was only just over 200 years ago, so we seem
to have the same sense of humour and the words mean the same thing.

The  USA,  on  the  other  hand,  was  settled nearer 500 years ago, with a
mixture  of European nationalities. Their English is based much more on the
English  of  500  years ago. We really do have to be careful in case a joke
gets taken the wrong way or a casual remark is taken as a big insult.

Thats  it  from  me.  I  have seen insults flying to and fro. I did see the
bulletin which was a mixture of quotes from me and  some other people.
I didn't repond. At that time, I was exchanging personal messages with two
VK stations and three ZL,some emails too.
I wish I could got to Australia and new Zealand but I just can't afford it.

All the best. End of subject. Ian. TEZ.

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