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VE3WBZ > FUEL     26.02.12 17:41l 114 Lines 4922 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 63002_VE3LSR
Subj: RE: Barry VK2AAB on Peak Oil
Sent: 120226/1635Z @:VE3LSR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM #:63002 [Barrie] $:63002_VE3LSR


DT: Sunday,February 26th.,2012 @ 1010hrs EST <JPST>

<< Quoting VK2AAB to FUEL @WW >>
> From         : VK2AAB        To           : FUEL  @WW      
> Type/Status  : B$            Date/Time    : 26-Feb 04:13
> Bid          : 5453_VK2AAB   Message #    : 62982
> Title        : Re: Govt Suppresses Report VE3WBZ VK6BE
> Hello Pete,
> Well I am afraid Bob seems just to scan bulletins. 
> I tried to explain to him that it was a Report from the 
> Australian Government Dept of Infrastructure, Transport, 
> Regional Development and titled Energy Future, Long Term Oil Supply
> and Projections.

Hi Barry, and I remember your posting, and I think I still have
a copy.  It was rather very long and interesting, and well I admit
I have never read up on it to fully engage you in a conversation.

not sure but you posted a link to the Government site, and oh well
after reading passed postings on other issues and the Austrailian
government site...well I can see what the next part will be about.

> Yet he is still saying it was something I read in a newspaper.

I think you mentioned that a French Newpaper picked up on this, but
then why not?  It is not just local to Australia but also the world
as it gets smaller all the time, and face it the stock markets
there and other places are all tied together.

>  I have the paper here and have read it. He is trying to say it 
> is a 100 years time problem yet I said the report concludes that 
> global depletion will start about 2017.

In the depletion stuff, I can remember the stock scares on fuel in
the 1970 to 1980 when they said that there was so much left and
we better do this and that...then more came out and ok now this
one from Australia and I imagine how it will impact Australia in 
2017... based upon nothing new being found ...yet.

As we know the days of 1970 - 1980s the sources didn't exist or
technology to extraxt the oil , as was with the Alberta Oil sands.

> When a government dept produces a report like that and the 
> government removes it you have to take it seriously.

  My first; Why did they remove it?   Was it false
or misleading?  I think Barry and I am sorry I didn't see what
happened to it, or why they removed it, after you posted it.

> It is not a minor report it is 474 pages long. 
> It took me more than a week to read it.

  I'd say!    Now that would have me asking questions of my local
MP to the commons.  Sorry it has to start his way, but Maria does
it a lot here.   I hate to say it, but her pestering has got others
thinking and they ask the same.

At 474 pages, you have peaked my interest and now to find that posting
and link and copy it down and try to get to the site, then ask
the question myself.   What happened to the report?   can you
imagine printing this one out?

>  We have a particular problem here in eastern Australia in that the 
> refineries are being closed, two in Sydney and one in Melbourne.
> We are currently importing 100% of our petrol but they still produce 
> diesel I believe, but that may stop when they close.

 At least you have a ..or had or well I think you guys should hang on
to them, as we lost ours, and all our oil goes out then the Cannuckians
buy it back.  Must be the cold here.   The Diesel will go if they
totally close.   It is an election issue.   But then whomever controls
the partys decides what is and what is not a platform for an election
so I wonder what the partys think.   Here there was not a whimper at
the time, from any party that could really make a difference...but then
Big Business owned those partys.

>   We are currently very vulnerable and the Iran tension if escalated 
> could cause serious shortages. The oil price is currently $133 a barrel.
> I think I can now see where Warren is coming from.

 Not only Warren but Ian and I have talked about the tension in the
middle east etc...and Ian was first to say OIL.    Then Barry note
where most of the world's oil tankers go, and you see why they have
an ally in Russia and China, as both have big interests in the area
as does our side..if you want to take sides.

last time I looked at the Stockmarket here price of crude it was 
CDN$ 1.06 and rising.   Our gas here when last out with the chariot
was CDN$ 1.26:9/litre regular  1.34:9 super.    yours and ours took
a major jump....due to cause you mentioned as well they say other
things but no comment.  Don't worry ..sez I..IRAN is on their minds
as is a nuke exchange between Israel and Ian...and then the domino
effect of allies coming into it, and well take it from there.

> 73 Barry VK2AAB
> [End of Message #62982 from VK2AAB]

  Sorry Barry.   No argument from me.   Scarey stuff.  Who cares
what newspaper published it, as all I remember was the government
site.   Nightly news and stockmarket quotations support your

73 Peter VE3WBZ

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