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G0TEZ  > OLDIE    21.11.04 20:47l 46 Lines 1918 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 89_G0TEZ
Subj:  Leviticus 19, 32.
Sent: 041121/1606Z @:GB7HVU.#16.GBR.EU #:59714 [Great Harwood] FBB7.00i $:89_G0

G0TEZ/TPK 1.83d Msg Num:89 Date:21-11-2004 Time:15:46 GMT in Nelson, NW England.

This  isn't  part of the big religious punch up, it stems from a few quotes
someone was making on TV.
I  got out my Bible and looked up Leviticus 19,20, which were the ones most
mentioned and one verse caught my Eye.
It seems to be saying "Look up to the old, treat them with respect."

I know we have enough 'isms' and enough stupid laws, at least in the UK,
making it a crime to say certain words so I'm not in favour of anti -ageism
legislation but, if you are religious. The OT has it all. It says:

        Though shalt rise up before the hoary head,
        and honour the face of the old man.
        and fear thy God:I am the Lord.

Cryptic  but  nothing  confusing.  They  can  honour  me  anytime. It beats

Actually  Lev  19 is interesting. It has all of the ten commandments but in
diferent language. It has the anti homosexual stuff and much clearer words
than  'Thou  shalt  not  suffer  a  witch to live.' which occurs in several
places.  There  is  no  doubt  that  it is referring to witches and wizards
whereas  the  simpler version in the original latin and greek, simply means

There  are  quite  a  few  more Thou Shalt Nots, even one which means "Thou
shalt not overcharge people or rip them off." I like that too.19,35 - 36.

I'm  sure most people have a bible. Mine is, of course, the King James 1st,
C  of  E  Bible but, I'm sure the older ones in all coutries have something

I'm not trying to start or continue any arguments here. I remain an atheist
but I have always kept a Bible handy just in case of arguments.

My  preferences  are  Ecclesiastes  and  the  Song  of  Solomon, both close
together, both a bit out of place. Remember the song, in the 60s:
"There is a reason,turn,turn,turn, for every season"

All the best. Ian.

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