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G0FTD  > PHILOS   15.06.05 20:49l 45 Lines 1599 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 220817G0FTD
Subj: ZL4AJS and God
Sent: 050615/1720Z @:GB7SXE.#38.GBR.EU #:33147 [Hastings] FBB7.00i $:220817G0FT

ZL4AJS wrote:-
>> A "Christian" perspective is allegedly 2000 years old.
>> It may have been right at the time but 2000 years later some parts may
>> be totally irrelevant.
> I am yet to find such a part. Perhaps you could enlighten me to one
> example of an irrelevant part?

The parts which seek to ensure we talk and read about nothing else
at the expense of adopting to our new environment and social needs.

Religion has served it's purpose - the purpose of which was to bring
a high degree of social cohesion to bring about *progress*.

We don't need religion any more to tell us our morals because we already
have them *as* a result of religion being practiced for so long.

In this sense I can say that Christianity appears to have one the day and
other's haven't. 

Unfortunatly due to the nature of other religions those religions are
holding us all back and need to be dealt with.

I'd prefer to class the solution as being "evolutionary houskeeping" 
rather than one of "Slaughter of the Innocent".

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