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PE1OUD > PHILOS   15.06.05 20:04l 58 Lines 1930 Bytes #999 (0) @ WW
BID : 310024PE1OUD
Subj: Re: Re^2: Re^2: Re^2: Humour,Religion and Broadcasts
Sent: 050615/1957Z @:PI8WFL.#NH1.NLD.EU #:52441 [Enkhuizen] $:310024PE1OUD
X-Info: uploaded with password authentication at PI8WFL.#NH1.NLD.EU

Hello, Patrick

DF3VI wrote:-
> This is getting nowhere. If words and expressions are twisted, a 
> discussion is futile. 
I merely pointed out that what is commonly called 'evolution' to
biologists means 'macro-evolution'. This does not happen.
'Micro-evolution' happens all around us.

Be aware that Darwin saw 'micro-ev' on Galapagos and in his
reasoning backwards he made a few wrong assumptions.

> A fruit fly is no day-fly,
My mistake: but it is, will and always will be a fruitfly.
In procreation it MAY develop a usefull mutation( in fact a loss of
an original function) but it will not become another species.

> and that virii and bacteria evolve into new 
> species is a non-discussable fact.
Now THAT is what makes a discussion futile.

You only say that it's a fact because it's a fact, whereas I
have shown reasoning and data to back my point.

If it is indeed a fact, I am sure you will back that up with
scientific literature?

> More and more "missing links" have been 
> found as fossiles, which were missing at Darwins time, but fit into his
> theory like into a puzzle. 
This is also not true!
Many fossiles have been found, but the 'time-gaps' are still far to
large to sustain the theory of 'macro-evolution'.

> It is a strange religion that forces its believers to ignore facts.
There ARE no facts. I think you are also a believer, not a scholar on
this subject. Am I right?

> But it did this also 500 years ago: remember when the eart was flat and 
> the sun spinning around it? And who said different was burned to hell!
True enough. 
But that STILL does not prove anything you have said.

73 - Gerard, PE1OUD @ PI8WFL

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Message timed: 21:57 on 15 Jun 2005
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Written by Roger Barker, Silent Key, 9th September 2004.

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