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N0KFQ  > PONDER   04.09.17 16:43l 72 Lines 3429 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 43734_N0KFQ
Subj: What if.. It all washed away?
Sent: 170904/1704Z 43734@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

What if.. It all washed away?

I am writing this article early this week still contemplating the
tragic losses of  the Texas gulf coast.  As fellow Americans, we
should all love our neighbor and give unto their need and help in
their loss.  It should make us all think of what is really
important in life -- should it all wash away.  You see survivors
who bravely state as they look over their ruins, "it's all just
stuff.  We have our lives."  How true is His mercies, though the
loss still is bitter.  We all grow attached to the things we
accumulate in this life -- and as "rich Americans" in a poor
world, we do have much.

But as an old preacher once remarked -- "I've never seen a u-haul
following a hearse."  As Jesus told us, life was meant to be more
than things we collect in this passing sojourn -- temporal things
destined to pass away (1 John 2:15-17).  That something more is
getting connected with God -- the Source of all good things --
our Creator (and through Christ), our Father (James 1:17).  He
made it all and He is not stingy -- He gives to us now and
intends to freely give His children all things in a perfection to
come (Matthew 5:5; Romans 8:32; Rev. 21:1).  That will be heaven,
but meanwhile, things down here can also be a moral test.  Do we
love them rather than God and obedience to Him?  Will we pursue
"things" to the loss of both our soul and our Maker? That is
eternal loss.

Jesus told a story about a rich man and a destitute one who
suffered at his gate (Luke 16:19-31) that defined this test of
life.  The rich man wore the best clothes, ate the best foods and
lived in luxury while God tested the poor man, His servant, with
poverty, hunger and disease.  His name was Lazarus -- which means
"the Lord helps."  But in this test of life, it didn't seem that
the Lord helped, for he died -- and his corpse was probably just
cast aside.  The rich man who ignored Lazarus' plight, died also
-- he was buried, no doubt with great lamentation and honor which
men often grant to the rich and "successful" -- but now as they
entered eternity, it became clear that he had not been successful
with God.  While the angels carried Lazarus, the beggar to
Abraham's bosom (heaven), the rich man found himself in hell and
in torment.  When he asked Father Abraham* for relief, Abraham
replied, "remember that in your lifetime you received your good
things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is
comforted here and you are in agony.."  

He had failed the test of life and of faith.  He had loved
himself -- and neither God nor neighbor.  He had lost everything
forever.  Jesus said, life is more than pursuing the abundance of
things that shall pass away.  Excess is a deceiving promise (Mark
4:19) which offers much and delivers little and in the end,
results in loss.  God is more important than things -- and He
will test us all to discern our true affection -- whether with  
poverty or riches. (Luke 10:27)  

Where is your heart when it comes to things? (Matthew 6:21)  We
all get so attached.  Give your heart to Jesus; use your things
for good and His glory.  Then you will never lose. Love Him
supremely,  and you shall gain, forever. (John 3:16)


*Abraham is called the father of all who believe, see Romans

++Got questions?  Read the Bible.  605-295-2513++      

"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT


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