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N0KFQ  > PONDER   27.11.17 18:04l 71 Lines 3058 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 52892_N0KFQ
Subj: Who Made Whom?
Sent: 171127/1732Z 52892@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

Who Made Whom?

     "Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth.

     Serve the LORD with gladness;

     Come before Him with joyful singing.

     Know that the LORD Himself is God;  It is He who has made
     us, and not we ourselves.."

     --Psalm 100:1-3

Perhaps you recognize the words of our verses many read on
Thanksgiving from the inspired Psalmist.  It commands the whole
earth to worship God through shouted words, service and singing.  
Pondering them afresh, I realize that they are prophetic words
written 3,000 years ago of when the whole earth will indeed
worship "Him" -- the God in flesh who is Jesus returned as the
King of kings (Rev.19:16).  See the chapter as it speaks of
entering His gates and courts with praise and thanksgiving -- the
Temple destined to be rebuilt in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 40-48).  

Then the Psalmist commands that we "know" or acknowledge
something:  That the LORD Himself is God and it is "He who has
made us, and not we ourselves."  "LORD" is Yahweh in the Hebrew
-- who is Christ in the New Testament -- who made us (see
Colossians 1:15-16).  Jesus was the Creator in human flesh.  But
our present world denies Him as such and tells us that we somehow
made ourselves -- evolving from single cell to fish to reptile to
ape to man.  Of course they actually cannot tell you "how nor
why."  When challenged about such, they can only answer by time
and chance.  That leaves no room for "purpose."  Man, gifted with
intelligence and logic, has come to the conclusion (rejecting his
God) that "intelligence and logic" sprang forth from accident.  
No wonder that the Psalmist was inspired to call such men "fools"
ignoring all the evidence of intelligent design in natural law
and biological life (Psalm 14:1; 19; 139).

God deniers claim that man made up "God" to calm his fears and
explain what he could not understand.  They avoid serious
examination and "explanation" of  the miracle book we call the
Bible, given to man over thousands of years through multiple
authors "Divinely" inspired for our guidance and understanding.  
The unique Book with a unified theme, without contradiction,
telling of man "lost" and redemption through a Messiah (the
God-man) sent. Check history -- He came! and promises to come
again -- and the world will, indeed, enter His courts with
praise; His gates with thanksgiving.  

God deniers have no answers for why the world is nor where it is
headed.  Yet the prophecies continue to be fulfilled.  Israel is
back in her Promised Land.  Her religious zealots long to rebuild
her long lost temple (Matthew 24:2 - 70 A.D.).  Her enemies
surrounding, long for her destruction.  The whole world watches a
troubled Middle East.  Great and horrible things are destined to
happen.  God is coming again with nail-scarred hands to conquer
-- and save (Daniel 7:14; Zechariah 13:6).  

Do you know that He is God? You didn't make yourself.  Turn to
Jesus; call upon Him and He will save today (Romans 10:13).


"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT


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