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N0KFQ  > PONDER   31.07.18 01:26l 52 Lines 2354 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 73709_N0KFQ
Subj: The God Who Makes Flowers
Sent: 180731/0048Z 73709@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

The God Who Makes Flowers

     "I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations
     will come, and I will fill this house with glory," says the
     LORD Almighty. --Haggai 2:7

I was out with my granddaughter Holly the other day in our park
beside the pool.  She was full of energy and fun, swinging in the
swings, sliding down the slides and climbing the monkey bars.  
Then she paused and became quiet as she gathered some tiny
flowers from clover and alfalfa.  In the middle of her little
bouquet was a yellow dandelion -- don't tell her it's a weed.  
She brought her little gift to me and I thanked her and put it in
my shirt pocket.  When we got home, they were a bit wilted but
she wanted them in water.  The next morning, I noticed them on
the dining room table and they had sprung back to life.  What
little glories that God made -- and it speaks to me of the
beauties which will fill the earth when His Son (the desire of
nations) returns to reign.  His house (the Temple) will be in
Jerusalem and from His capital righteousness will lead the
nations and paradise lost, will be regained (Isaiah 9:6-7).  It
will be a beautiful world -- where flowers won't wilt nor will
they be crushed.

Hard to imagine that in our present world -- of men out of sync
with God and all the turmoil, disharmony and death that brings.  
Violence and fear continually threaten the peace and beauty --
that thankfully, a child can briefly be unaware of in a pastoral
setting.  But in our cities, the violence grows -- and political
parties battle and nations arm themselves and fight.  Wars and
rumors of war as Jesus warned; terror in the hearts of men
(terrorism) as false religions and philosophies and leaders
threaten and deceive (Matthew 24:6-8; Luke 21:25-28).  These
evils will climax when the LORD Almighty shakes the nations
before His return (Revelation) -- but His people will overcome
and inherit the Kingdom (Matthew 6:10).  There will be beauty
ahead, for them.

God invites you to inherit this beauty -- but you must trust Him
like the child who delights in His simple glories (Mark 10:15).  
This God who makes flowers offers you His Son today, so you may
gain His better world, tomorrow (John 3:16; 1 Thess.5:9).

++Got questions?  Ask/call/text Mike at 605-295-2513++             

"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT

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