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N0KFQ  > PONDER   02.08.18 17:56l 79 Lines 3701 Bytes #999 (0) @ USA
BID : 73860_N0KFQ
Subj: One Nation, Under God?
Sent: 180802/1741Z 73860@N0KFQ.#SWMO.MO.USA.NA BPQ6.0.14

One Nation, Under God?

     Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD_                   
     --Psalm 33:12

The other day as I watched the beginning protests against
President Trump's conservative Supreme Court nominee -- I saw an
upheld sign reading: "Keep your Theocracy out of my Democracy."  
Interestingly, it was raised before the nominee was announced --
so the protestor didn't even know who he would be protesting
against?  -- but it was a cry for a "God-less" government.  This
is not the America that was instituted some 242 years ago (1776)
nor historically developed over those years. Tragically, it is
the America that too many promote and desire today.  An America
that will lose its Divine blessing.

Perhaps at this point, I should define our beginning verse more
precisely.  It speaks of the nation of Israel which was elect of  
God through Abraham (Genesis 12) and confirmed in that election
through the Divinely given Law of Moses (Exodus 19).  That Law
was to govern this nation "under God" -- a government called a
theocracy (God's rule).  The true universal church -- established
by Christ, is called a "holy nation" -- under the rule of Christ
(God) following all of the Holy Scripture endorsed by our Savior
(1 Peter 2:9-10; Luke 16:16-17; John 14:26; 16:13; 17:17).  The
church is a mystery form of His kingdom and a theocracy until
Christ returns and fills the whole earth with His dominion
(Daniel 7:13-14).  These are the theocracies of Scripture which
shall reign together "under God" forever.  But what of the other
nations of the world?  Could they not also seek to be "under God"
and receive His blessing?  Indeed, and so has been our America.

Does not our Declaration of Independence speak of all men being
"created" equal and endowed by our "Creator" with certain
unalienable rights?  Does not our U.S. currency carry the words:
"In God We Trust"?  Does not our national Capital Building which
houses the Supreme Court have engraved Moses holding the Ten
Commandments?  Do we not pledge allegiance to the flag of the
United States -- one nation "under God"?  Hasn't this nation
always given tax exemption to its churches recognizing their
eminence before God?  We have always been preeminently a
"Christian" nation and recognized as so around the world -- and
even today despite the efforts of multiplying modern secularists.  
And who among the billions of the world would deny that this
nation has been blessed?  

How many millions throughout the hundreds of years of our
existence -- sought to come to this nation to share its
blessings?  We have led the world in power, wealth and progress
-- will we lead it in iniquity -- away from God?

Many are working today to forsake and obscure our Christian
heritage.  They would revise history, sandblast the buildings and
diminish all Christian influence through legal devices like
"separation of church and state."  They want a "God-less" nation
under the humanistic rule of man which shall lead to that
predicted antichrist and His global "666" control (Revelation
13).  This will consummate the last chapter of human rebellion
which will be climactically overthrown by the return of God's Son
(Revelation 19:11).

I am an American, born and raised.  I served my country in the
military and I am an avid citizen and voter -- but I am foremost
the subject and citizen of a greater kingdom and King who will
reign forever.  My America honors Him and is still -- for me  
"one nation under God."  

Where do you stand today, my reader and fellow American?  (John
3:16; 10: 27-30).  

++Got questions?  Ask/call/text Mike at 605-295-2513++                   

"What the Bible Says.." By Mike Patrick KI5CT

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